Am working on a 750 and hope to have it flying next spring. The plane has been a joy to assemble but I also have to consider a tight budget. My suggestions include that it is a very special plane with very specific capabilities which one should enjoy. Try not to make it do things that it was not designed to do and qualify yourself to fly this plane with its characteristics. Regarding suggestions for engines, I am of the group that prefers aircraft engines, not automotive, snowmobile, or chainsaw. Many proven aircraft engines with considerable time remaining show up on the market and can be had for a fraction of the cost of those other engines of lesser reliability. With some effort you will find a good used Continental, Lycoming, or in my case, a Franklin. Also since this airplane is low and slow with short take off and landing qualities not cross country capabilities, I suggest that you use simple steam gauges rather than the high dollar glass panels shown in the demo birds. Have fun with this simple LSA bird and then build a 650 with all the glass for your cross country adventures. But use the aircraft engine on the 650 also.