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Thread: Concealed Weapon Carry and Aviation

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I can't imagine being hijacked in my plane. If you are not sure unload it, separate the gun from the ammo and when you arrive at the place you feel you need it reverse the process.

  2. #22
    Dana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wyoranch View Post
    I can't imagine being hijacked in my plane. If you are not sure unload it, separate the gun from the ammo and when you arrive at the place you feel you need it reverse the process.
    I remember back in the early 1970s when hijacking planes to Cuba was in vogue, some clown tried to hijack a (IIRC) Cessna 310 to Cuba. On the plane were a student in the left seat and instructor in the right seat, which confused the hijacker. I forget the details, but Cuba was well beyond the range of wherever they were. As I recall, the instructor deliberately damaged the plane when they landed for fuel, putting an end to the adventure.

    Re concealed carry, federal law allows you to carry firearms from a state where you're legal to possess it to another state where you're also legal, through states where you aren't, as long as it's unloaded and locked someplace inaccessible (e.g. the trunk of your car). In planes is also OK, though there have been issues when planes made unplanned landings in between.

  3. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by 1600vw View Post
    I always wondered, if its Conceal Carry, how does anyone know you are carrying? If the sign says no guns allowed, and its concealed, how do they know you have a gun if it's concealed? Open carry I can understand. But if its concealed who knows? I have friends who have carried guns everywhere they go and have for over 30 years. No one is the wiser. Why because they are concealed.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
    Read my response above. In most cases you are right, but I'm not risking a criminal prosecution based on the fact that nobody will notice my weapon. There are times when it might get noticed even despite attempts to keep it concealed. If you have some otherwise innocuous run in with the police, them detecting an illegal firearm on you now rises it to the level of arrest and prosecution.

  4. #24

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    Why would a fully qualified pilot hired to fly airplanes so willingly accept the added and far lesser(and more dangerous) role of armed security guard? I was (and continue to be) MY security, not the boss's security.

    Were you provided with proper and formal training to carry out the armed security role? My DD214 is an indicator. No Pt135 training because no Pt135 duty was assigned.

    As a non-military commercial pilot flying presumably for a private company(unless it was Air America), what places were you flying to that required the need for armed security? Look down some time at the terrain you're overflying. Do you carry a survival kit? Why not?
    Last edited by Mike M; 01-13-2016 at 06:22 AM.

  5. #25
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wyoranch View Post
    I can't imagine being hijacked in my plane. If you are not sure unload it, separate the gun from the ammo and when you arrive at the place you feel you need it reverse the process.
    Actually, back in the 80s/90s, there was a case where a small aircraft was hijacked. Think it was a Cessna 182. This was in the old USENET days, and the guy posted a detailed description after the court case ended.

    Edit: Found it.

    Anyway, he was working in his hangar on a Saturday evening when a young man showed up, presented a gun, and demanded a flight. The pilot complied. The hijacker didn't know much about aviation, so the pilot convinced him that he needed to be talking to ATC. He set the appropriate code, ATC casually quizzed him to ensure it wasn't a mistake, and the flight continued.

    After flying a for two hours, the pilot said he had to land at an airport for fuel. So the pilot had ATC vector them to an airport. The cops jumped them both inside the FBO, and that was that.

    Ron Wanttaja
    Last edited by rwanttaja; 01-10-2016 at 12:53 PM.

  6. #26
    Mayhemxpc's Avatar
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    Maybe I am not seeing something, but 135.119 (b) doesn't require someone to be assigned security guard duties. Just that the individual was authorized by the certificate holder to carry arms.
    Chris Mayer

  7. #27
    cub builder's Avatar
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    I followed your link (Ron W.) and reread the hijack account. What a hoot. I remember him posting that to the old rec.aviation forum back in the USENET days, but had long since forgotten. A pretty comical read. Thanks for posting.

    -Cub Builder
    Last edited by cub builder; 01-11-2016 at 10:24 AM.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Kalama, WA
    When I lived in Wyoming I carried a small survival pack in my Cardinal which included a 38 special pistol. It was for signaling, food(rabbit, grouse, etc) as well as protection. Just make sure you remove the pistol from your survival pack if you fly into Canada!!
    Onex 33

  9. #29
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Onex33 View Post
    Just make sure you remove the pistol from your survival pack if you fly into Canada!!
    Onex 33
    Oh ya!! The gun culture divide and difference is a hundred times deeper than the world's longest undefended border is long.

  10. #30

    Join Date
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    Raton, New Mexico
    Why do I get the idea that Floatsflyer has never read the U.S. Constitution? and likes to check that others are "properly trained" and has a "true" need to defend themselves. These types are called "The Enforcer". Bet I could guess which political party he belongs to. Probably the wrong place to make such statements but I just can't resist when such questions are put forth. For your info: I carry concealed because it is my right to do so; I need no other reason that that; have you ever watched the news lately?

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