I spoke to management at headquarters this afternoon and mostly I was disappointed in what I was told. Short version of bad news, yes its true the green tram to the bus park and into the grounds to the other trams just across from the tower is not going to run at Airventure.
Why cancel it? EAA hired Northwestern to come in an do a survey? last year and they said to cancel. it is claimed that 10,000 members were asked or given a gps gadget and its based on this. I asked how these chosen ones were selected last year, I used that tram a number of times and was never asked my opinion. I also have never seen any sort of survey since I have been a member, which is since 1982. They claim surveys are sent frequently, but only to people who have given their email. I've been a member for 38years and attended every convention, every year, if that counts for anything. I probably spent $2500 last year in the area for the three of us.
I may be sort of reading between the lines, but this reminds me of AOPA canceling the red board forum, and it being an already decision made at the top by a relatively few people and those not caring what the membership at large thinks. I know AOPA drove dozens of people, even long time members into not renewing.
EAA has been very important to me, along with CAF its been the highlight group of my years flying. I have brought show airplanes, sometimes two per year, flown in the show, given forums, given Young Eagle rides, and taken a builders course in Feb one year.