Quote Originally Posted by skyfixer8 View Post
I think there is a misunderstanding here Floats, I understand about young handicap also, but I saw a lot of people with scooters, park them, get off and go to meet friends, or eat, then get on and ride away. The system is being misused by a lot of people. If you have issues, then yes, I agree on the use, but to take away from someone that actually needs them is wrong.
I have a disease called adhesive arachnoiditis. Google it and be glad you don't have it. I use my own mobility chair, but do leave it at times to use the porta potty, look inside booths, maybe even the hangers. But usually am in quite a bit of pain once I get back in it. It reclines since I can't sit for very long periods of time. If you saw me, you would think I don't really need it. You'd be terribly wrong. Given my druthers I'd rather be walking around all day as you do. But instead of sitting/laying all day, I try to get as much activity as the back will allow. Can't judge a book by it's cover....

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