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Thread: 50th Year Celebration...

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Columbus, OH

    50th Year Celebration...

    I have been attending Oshkosh since 1973 when I was 9 months old (thanks to dad wanting to go and to mom for going along with him to keep us alive while there). I have missed only two since. I am really enjoying throwback stuff the EAA has been doing for 2019. I know some may not be in favor of this, but can we get Jerry Sleger's van (or one that looks like it) and a speaker set up at the entrance near the Theater in the Woods playing his CD's? I admit I only listened to Polka music seven days a year, and it was only as I strolled by, but music has a way of stirring old memories. Those days of walking in the gates and hearing that music were reminders that "there is no place on earth I would rather be today".

  2. #2
    Inspector Fenwick's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Springfield, MO
    I am with you Glider. Got patches from way back, just like you. Remember jumping on the flatbed wagons pulled by a farm tractor? Remember the handheld kitchen sink shower sprayers (with very little hot water)?? Remember when the Brown Arch was the center of all activity?

    Come to the Vintage area at 7a and you will get to hear the yoddler wake up everyone that is not already awake. Of course it is a recording but when they take that away due to hipster millenial complaints, it is bye, bye OSH for me.
    Larry Nelson EAA 35011
    President EAA Chapter 821
    Springfield, MO
    PA 30 / Cessna 195

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Inspector Fenwick View Post
    Remember the handheld kitchen sink shower sprayers (with very little hot water)??
    Shoot, what do you mean remember? They still have those in the shower house in Scholler! Additionally, now it's a complete gamble on the water temperature. One morning it's great, next morning it's scalding hot, next morning it's ice cold. Keeps you on your toes! One of the contributing reasons to renting a camper this year was to give me some stability and timing flexibility with regards to the shower situation.

    That said... awfully glad that they have the showers at all. I appreciate the hard work, time, and money that went into them. Dead serious about that. I know we like to gripe and moan about this that and all of the other things here, but there are people that are absolutely busting their humps at EAA (and by extension, KOSH) to make our time there a blast, and I really do appreciate that.

    I'm not a huge fan of the yodeler, but far be it from me to take away someone's enjoyment of that... um... experience.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Columbus, OH
    I can recall the kitchen sink shower sprayers, they still use them! I was almost brought to tears when they brought Bill Ricketts yodeling back via recording in 2013. It was a staple for dad and I to hear as we ventured towards warbirds to beat the foot traffic for photos every morning. At the time it was something we tolerated. Now, when I hear it I can recall those morning walks like they were yesterday. We would laugh after Bill's enthusiastic "Let's Go GET EM!!" and start asking each other what new warbirds may have arrived last evening. A new Bearcat? Bristol Centaurus Sea Fury? Maybe the cool clipped wing red P-63 will be back this year?!

    I also recall the new giant electric Coke sign near what was the "flightline only" access gate near the arch. I felt so adult-like when I could enter on my own at the age of 14! Maybe they can bring The Whistler back for a cameo at Theater in the Woods this year on Monday night!
    Last edited by glider90; 07-10-2019 at 03:00 PM.

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