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Thread: New Gray lot in Camp Schoeller

  1. #1

    New Gray lot in Camp Schoeller

    What's the reasoning for the New Gray lot? It just removed a very large section of Camp Schoeller. I see there is a new section added to the Southeast, but that's a huge hike. It also forces everyone who use to camp there into other areas. Feeling like with the new electric/water sites and the expanded 24 generator area, things are being geared more to the big rig larger trailer crowd.

  2. #2
    That's been the trend for a few years now. While I'm happy that they moved the generator-free zone away from the highway and by the folks with electric (so less likely to experience generator noise), it's definitely becoming less and less real estate.

    I'm exploring another campground this year, as the writing on the wall seems to indicate that tenters will soon not really have a home in Scholler.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    They actually made that change last year. I was told it was because some of the general parking had been converted to VIP only. That in turn meant a new spot was needed to maintain the same amount of general parking. I walked through that section every evening and not once was there a vehicle parked anywhere near what would have previously been camping space.

  4. #4

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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by ArcLight View Post
    They actually made that change last year. I was told it was because some of the general parking had been converted to VIP only. That in turn meant a new spot was needed to maintain the same amount of general parking. I walked through that section every evening and not once was there a vehicle parked anywhere near what would have previously been camping space.
    yep, it was created last year. And, yep, it sat vacant most of the week. Very frustrating.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by ArcLight View Post
    ... converted to VIP only...
    More and closer campsites for mansions on wheels (and fewer for common folk tents...), more and closer parking for VIPs (and fewer and farther for common folk cars). Sensing a trend here...

    But... that's where the money is, I suppose. Not entirely sure if I would do any different if the money was there for the taking. Hopefully it gets put to good use... seems like SOME improvements are being implemented (new S40 area, which probably wasn't too cheap).

  6. #6

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    Aug 2016
    I'm one of the many 'motel people' during my 9 days volunteering at AirVenture. But I learn a lot reading the camping/parking posts not the least of which is knowing where various areas are on the grounds when folks ask me as a tram conductor for directions.

    I for one am THRILLED that I'm not responsible for figuring out the logistical nightmare that is created trying to balance tent campers, RVs, VIPs and the general public in cars who often number over 70,000 each day and all want to camp/park/visit everything but within a short walk from their starting point.

    I recall just a couple years ago when EAA had to create two more general parking areas 'on the fly' during the week due to increased attendance. Late in the afternoon folks were asking me about Parking Lot colors that appeared on NO maps or Apps because they only came into existence that morning.

    Sometimes you wonder if AirVenture is a victim of its own success.
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by ArcLight View Post
    They actually made that change last year. I was told it was because some of the general parking had been converted to VIP only. That in turn meant a new spot was needed to maintain the same amount of general parking. I walked through that section every evening and not once was there a vehicle parked anywhere near what would have previously been camping space.
    The Gray lot was created when the Orange lot was changed to permit only. The Orange lot was changed to permit only because the G lot that used to be permit only for vendors was changed over to Homebuilt parking(those things with wings). So it wasn't for VIP's, just vendors got moved out further so people flying in their homebuilts had a place to park them and camp. So in a way, I guess you could say it was for VIP's, homebuilders you know, what the organization was built around.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CHICAGORANDY View Post
    I for one am THRILLED that I'm not responsible for figuring out the logistical nightmare that is created trying to balance tent campers, RVs, VIPs and the general public in cars who often number over 70,000 each day and all want to camp/park/visit everything but within a short walk from their starting point.
    Boy, ain't that the truth. I know many of us like to grumble about this, that, or the other injustice we perceive is being rendered against us, but the truth is that there are just so many moving pieces to an event this enormous and complicated. One small change in one seemingly insignificant area may have large implications elsewhere. Been there, done that (on a much smaller, ~300 person annual event). The struggle and balance is real. Don't envy the decision makers at all for an event this big.

  9. #9
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHICAGORANDY View Post
    I'm one of the many 'motel people' during my 9 days volunteering at AirVenture. But I learn a lot reading the camping/parking posts not the least of which is knowing where various areas are on the grounds when folks ask me as a tram conductor for directions.
    That and some woman and small kids showed up at our building after the night airshow. She had parked in the new overflow lot on Waupan road and nobody knew how to get her back there (there had been a school bus that brought them over). Oh hell, my wife throws me the keys to the golf cart and I drove her to her car (we're not supposed to leave the grounds, but nobody was checking at that point).

  10. #10
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Yep, all showplane camping used to be down south of the comm building (show center). About six years or so ago they created a dedicated homebuilt camping area. The EAA is scraping to get enough airplane parking/camping so that by next year, they will not turn away any aircraft, homebuilt, GA, or Vintage. Vintage never really closed for aircraft (though the airport got saturated and didn't let some planes in at times, we've always got creative with finding places to stuff them). Several years ago they got more space where is what is now HBC. They've also been grabbing more area down the south end of the field (closer to Knapp street than the old "Fond du Lac city limits" vintage aea). Alas, it takes some time to get these spaces usable. They had been cornfields and pretty heavily rutted and poorly draining. Either the new maps are bogus or they've actually grabbed some land on the west side of Knapp street down by Ultralights to rehome the rotorcraft (not sure how that is going to work). The new HBC and some expanded GA south parking cover the fact that up until recently we've been steadily LOSING airplane parking/camping for a number of reasons:

    1. The FAA moved the burn line back an aircraft width after an accident far from anything (go figure).
    2. The stupid assed perimeter road and 8' fence ate into much areas.
    3. The realignment of taxiway Bravo in the North 40 not only chewed up parking spaces but also hosed up the drainage making parts of the grass areas unusuable.
    4. Space has been consumed to expand services: two campstores in the south, a second registration building, an expanded Vintage Cafe.

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