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Thread: Changes to the South 40 announced

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Changes to the South 40 announced

    I saw the recent EAA email newsletter mentioning increased amenities and expanded aircraft parking/camping for the South 40 area in addition to expanded tram coverage.

    Can't wait to see what that might mean for the Blue Route past Ultralights. Should be good news for folks? I thought posting the link would shorten it, so instead just copy/paste to your browser for the full info and map. nQiOiIwNkFRczVjUCtqRWV5XC96YnA4WVdtTTl3eml3WUozVVV rTm1KT3JPZXI3USt2VGtOMlZ1aVE2M3V2ZldBS1BqSzJDcVQrQ TZDenpkTSt4S3V5ZkR6RVNad1FsbVBwWVwvSEZObDdpWnJQelZ WakhqTVZ1bVpJRkhuOER0NTJPN2kxIn0%3D

  2. #2
    MEdwards's Avatar
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    Thanks, Randy. Cut and paste actually worked!

    I was parked last year in the next to the last row south, just short of this new acreage. It wasn’t as bad as I expected, but not very convenient. Extended tram line and added facilities will help a lot. Having camped many years within 50 yards of the Tall Pines, I still don’t find it very appealing, but it fulfills a need.

    Waiting for Ron to chime in and explain how this relates to Vintage parking and volunteers.
    Last edited by MEdwards; 03-23-2019 at 01:01 PM.

  3. #3
    mazdaP5's Avatar
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  4. #4
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    This is all part of EAAs stated goal to not turn anybody away by 2020.

    The South 40 GA (Vintage calls it "Green Acres"... Farm Living is the life for me) has been in operation for two years now. As I stated, the biggest problem faced down there is that it takes several years of being in use to get the ground reasonable. They still have drainage problems down there and some bad rutting from the days that it was a cornfield. It's getting better each year. I still don't think they can get heavier stuff like twins in there.

    This shouldn't affect Vintage parking. The space is reclaimed from area that was not airplane parking prior. The nice thing is that the Camp Store and Registration booths they put down there will also nicely serve those parked in "Fondy" as we call everything south of the end of Taxiway Papa.
    Of course Vintage has lost parking over the years that has only been moderately reclaimed. Of course, we used to park the Homebuilt campers in Vintage prior to them getting their own space up north.

    We were moved back from the taxiway by a plane width or so after the DC-3 incident years ago where the guy forgot to lock the tailwheel and ended up in the paved ditch between Papa and 36. The inane fence and security road trimmed another space off each row long the west side and ate up a row where it crosses down south. We lost space due to the expansion of the Vintage Cafe, the addition of the camp stores and the south 40 rgistration, and the new Judges building. Vintage has gotten creative finding places to stick people so as to not turn anybody away.

    Not that the GA parking up north didn't suffer from loss of space: They also had the perimeter road and the straightening of Taxiway Bravo that ate up space and the Taxiway Bravo work also screwed up some of the grass drainage up there and that meant that last year when we had rain right up to the show that there was a lot of unusable parking space up there.

    Of course, we'll have to sort and dispatch planes down there. Vintage still manages the taxiways (paved and grass) south of the COMM Center (or Papa 2 roughly). Flight Line Safety handles all north of that point (including Papa 2). That's what all your little GAC / VAC signs are for. There was some communications issues with when we're going to start filling Green Acres and when we can't take more (and that we couldn't take twins) but that likely will get better. There's sort of a party line between all the respective chairs and once the work it out and hand it to us worker bees we get it distributed to the marshallers pretty quickly.

    The first year, Vintage just took planes down there. Starting last year (and again this year), they have their own Chairman independent of Vintage, though it is Phil Blake (Antique XRay) who used to manage the grounds for Vintage, so he obviously has the experience needed to help get the physical parts straightened out.

    Last year, the Vintage Flight Line operations people just managed the South 40 volunteers. We had a handful of resource (extra , Green machines, golf carts) that were given to the South 40 operation that we only issued to people who wanted to work there. While there were a few people who were dedicated south 40 volunteers (and they have done a big push to get more), we backfilled that with Vintage volunteers. There's been talk of them getting their own volunteer management booth down there, but I don't know if it will happen this year. That shouldn't be a problem (even despite some ego issues inherent with any volunteer organization). I set up our volunteer tracking system to account for it either way.
    Last edited by FlyingRon; 03-24-2019 at 07:30 AM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Gwinn, Michigan
    Just found out from tram chair, trams not going any further south than last year, busses will make the journey south for pickup.

  6. #6
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyfixer8 View Post
    Just found out from tram chair, trams not going any further south than last year, busses will make the journey south for pickup.
    Where did you turn around, down near the southern registration/red one camp store?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    The turn-around was just south of the end of the ultralight runway markers, near the portalets and across from the south 40/seaplane base bus stop.

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