I don't know "Sully" well, or even if he has any desire to have such a admin desk job, but he would likely have a lot of general popular support. It might have a pretty good salary and benefits. I'd bet he could do the job or learn to.

The former 2nd highest person in the FAA , and then temporary head of FAA, is an EAA member, and I think flys a small gen av plane like an Rv or something similar.

The fall of Randy Babbitt is a regret. But if he was driving on the wrong side of the road, it is fortunate that he was stopped before he hit and killed someone.

I drink very little, but if I am driving I limit it to one beer or glass of wine, with food. I prefer not to drink at all if I am driving far or in bad conditions. I sure am not going to take any chance of flying if I have been drinking more.

I have a friend, who I used to ski race with, who is now in prison for a year for DUI. He is otherwise a good guy, not violent even when drunk, but he just can't seem to stop drinking, and then he drives It is a real shame the see him as a criminal , but I know he would regret it if he had ever hit someone while drivinig drunk. Fortunatley he did not go off speeding when drunk, and we live in a small town where there really isn't any high speed freeway driving. He never even wrecked a car.
Once years ago in college I drank too much and drove home. I knew I was impaired and so got in the right lane and drive very carefully and very slowly. I also felt so bad that I learned a lesson and did not ever get that intoxicated again. I'd rather feel good and be able to fly.