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Thread: Oshkosh 2018: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

  1. #41
    Joda's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by robert l View Post
    I couldn't understand why the bus drivers didn't make use of the horn !!! I sure world, and the tractor drivers should have Air horn's !!!
    I'm not sure how the tram or bus drivers are trained, but those of us here at EAA HQ are told that the convention is primarily a pedestrian event. We are NEVER to use our horn or force our way through. The people on foot come first. And yes, it does get frustrating sometimes when it seems some people are purposely walking in the middle of the road to make someone wait for them. But hey, that's the way it is! No horns is the rule I was always taught. I think that's pretty universal around the grounds.


  2. #42

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Correct Joe,

    In point of fact the tram tractors have NO horns, just headlights, flashing safety lights and the sound of the engine and gearbox. "Most" of my tram passengers accept the slowdowns with grace and patience - the only issues arise with the impatient ones who take any slowdown or stoppage to mean they can jump on or off the trams at will, rather than wait till a designated tram stop.

    Next time you're chatting with the good folks at HQ, remind them one heck of a lot of 'pedestrians' become tram/bus passengers and improved signage on BOTH sides of the road (not just one) indicating the tram stop and what direction the tram is going and what its' next stops will be would go a LONG way to limit the daily mass confusion.

  3. #43
    robert l's Avatar
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    It doesn't bother me if the busses or trams are slow, it sure beats walking. It's just that most people don't realize or care that these are roads and there are walking paths along side of most roads. I hate it for the drivers, it's got to be stressful !

  4. #44

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    I will add to the voices that note that the road from Ultralights To the North 40 that the trams run are really getting bad. Lots of potholes and crack/divots that make for a kidney jarring ride at any speed.

    EAA HQ folks....PLEASE_PLEASE_PLEASE install a weatherproof CD player and play Jerry's one-man-band CDs at his spot by Theater in the Woods.

  5. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joda View Post
    those of us here at EAA HQ are told that the convention is primarily a pedestrian event. We are NEVER to use our horn or force our way through.
    Thank God for this. I've seen several comments in this thread and others about the pedestrians in the way, or "on the cart paths". There are no cart paths. You are borrowing the pedestrian path. If you are driving a vehicle on the grounds, you should have no expectation to move faster than the pedestrians. Yes we should all be polite and move if able, especially for the saintly tram drivers! But it is a pedestrian path.

    One thing that EAA really needs to consider before there is a serious accident (an the legal action to follow!) is to ban all vehicle traffic immediately following the airshows and especially the night shows. The roads are all clogged with pedestrians, and still some people think there vehicle gives them the right to push through the crowd. Eventually someone is going to end up under a vehicle.

  6. #46

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    Also, I have to 2nd CHICAGORANDY's one man band request. What a great idea!

  7. #47

    Join Date
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    Gwinn, Michigan
    Thank You Rob. One thing I always get out of Oshkosh after a week of driving is a hoarse voice from trying to get peoples attention that I am coming through (How can you not hear the sound of a tractor as it is climbing up your backside ? ), and a stiff neck from watching people on both sides and in front ( head on a swivel) , specially getting ready and watching for small kids darting out in front of me.

  8. #48
    mazdaP5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyfixer8 View Post
    (How can you not hear the sound of a tractor as it is climbing up your backside ? )
    Because Oshkosh has a million other things to catch and hold your attention.

  9. #49
    Joda's Avatar
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    Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by CHICAGORANDY View Post
    EAA HQ folks....PLEASE_PLEASE_PLEASE install a weatherproof CD player and play Jerry's one-man-band CDs at his spot by Theater in the Woods.
    I get a kick out of this. A perfect example of how one man's nectar is another man's poison. Jerry's one-man-band used to drive me NUTS. One of my happiest moments was the first time I walked by that corner and didn't hear that music. I know, I know... I'm on an island on this one. Just wanted to let everyone know that there's always another side to the story.

    Carry on!!


  10. #50

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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by keen9 View Post
    One thing that EAA really needs to consider before there is a serious accident (an the legal action to follow!) is to ban all vehicle traffic immediately following the airshows and especially the night shows. The roads are all clogged with pedestrians, and still some people think there vehicle gives them the right to push through the crowd. Eventually someone is going to end up under a vehicle.
    The most dangerous events I saw were entitled tools who would pass stopped buses and people who would get off the bus and only look to the right before crossing the street. I saw an entire family do this while I was wincing and waiting for a vendor pickup truck to take them out.

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