I have no idea where the new road is. But as I see it, the tent camping area north of Camper Registration / Schuhart Ln has been offered up to the Gray Lot. Meaning all the people that used to stay there will now also have to find a spot in the ever-smaller areas reserved for regular tent camping. Meaning the trek to the showers/toilets off Elm/Stits will become longer and longer, while the area right next to them is taken by generator people, who typically bring their own showers/toilets (and bikes and mopeds etc). If I had a say, I'd put all the generator people in the area south of Cedar, but I'm only a regular tent guy (can hardly bring an 18-wheel road palace from across the Atlantic).
Let's hope the XP-82 shows itself off perfectly this year. Then I only need the C-97 flying and I can lay off finding a tiny tent spot among all the 300 ft by 150 ft estates every year.