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Thread: EAA Board of Directors - a lack of diversity

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    The minute we elect officers to run the organization solely on race or sex (or whatever) is the exact second it will begin to fail.

    "Sorry, you could have done a great job ensuring the ATC doesn't get privatized and put into the hands of Commercial Aviation, but you're an old white dude and we decided to hire a black chick instead. Because diversity."
    The opinions and statements of this poster are largely based on facts and portray a possible version of the actual events.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Giger View Post
    "Sorry, you could have done a great job ensuring the ATC doesn't get privatized and put into the hands of Commercial Aviation, but you're an old white dude and we decided to hire a black chick instead. Because diversity."

  3. #13

    Join Date
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    EAA Forums rule 21:
    21. Please do not use the EAA Forums community to make or pursue complaints and concerns about EAA, its employees and agents, programs and services, organizational policies, customer service failings, etc. Please submit feedback to the appropriate location in the organization, and we will endeavor to be as responsive as possible: mailto:

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Close to OSH, but not close enough!
    Nope. Diversity for the sake of diversity is pointless, and will not make EAA a better organization. If the best people for the job are all old white guys, then so be it. If the best people for the job are all young black gals, then so be it.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    I wasn't aware of that rule 21 - my apologies.

  6. #16
    DaleB's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    How many people outside of the demographic in question (Caucasian males over, say, 40) have run for the BoD?
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  7. #17
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    NC26 (Catawba, NC)
    Jim Clark was on the board of late. He's a great guy who I've known for decades from when he was VP of Gould and later AT&T. I suspect now he's a bit busy having taken over running a state university down south somewhere (SC?).

    Of course, both Vintage and Warbirds are headed by women. They get seats on the board by virtue of holding the president slots in those sub organizations.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gmoore View Post
    I gotta say - that is one big group of old white guys! Shouldn't the board be a better reflection of the population? Maybe some people of color? Maybe some women? Maybe someone under 50? EAA will be a better organization with a more diverse group at the top. I suppose it may be too late to fix that this year - but let's make it a priority to bring some diversity to the board as soon as possible.
    Yes, the BOD should ideally be a reflection of the population at large. But the truth is that EAA as a 175,000 strong member organization is itself not even close to this ideal. I don't profess to have any insider info on the demos of the membership but based on observational evidence at Oshkosh and not any emperical data, EAA is Wonder Bread and old Wonder Bread at that. Negligible people of colour. There are a significant number of women at Osh but I have no idea if they are EAA member pilots/aircraft owners or the wives, girlfriends, sisters or mothers of pilots. I would suspect mostly the latter. Age is of 2 groups-older and much older.

    So EAA, for better or worse is a reflection of itself. Could it improve itself in it's attention to diversity? Absolutely. Should it do so? Of course it should if for no better reason than to promote and develop a policy of being seen to be inclusionary on the basis of race, gender and age. And not just pay lip service during 1 week per year but throughout the entire organization top down throughout the year.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by WLIU View Post
    At the Oshkosh convention you see many different colored faces. Its a great melting pot.

    I trust this is just your opinion, because it is definitely NOT fact. And your opinion does not make it fact. I don't know what Oshkosh you are attending and seeing but it is not the same one as me. I've been attending since 1981 with some off years and then from 1996 straight and for the entire week. I never saw a person of colour until 2010 and that was at the Hondajet exhibit and they were 2 African American sales reps for the company. Maybe, I've seen 2-3 since then and that's all people of colour, not only black.

    Your observations tell me I must be ignoring or missing huge areas of the convention grounds.

    It ain't no melting pot or even a mosaic as we say here in Canada.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    General Aviation's only real 'barrier' to full entry (getting a license, then owning or renting a plane) is financial. Programs and advertising to present the notion of learning to fly should include all demographics but the reality is the current reality. Look online at any of the scores of pictures of the crowds at AirVenture from any year. I can't find any that show for example black people at anywhere near the 12% level that corresponds with that group's presence in the USA. In my years conducting trams I'd guess the participation level of "non-white" people at the convention is under 10%. In fairness I have not noticed any protest groups or marches by people of color demanding entry into either the EAA organization or Airventure as an event. That is because ALL are welcome who can afford the price of entry.

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