Hi folks:
I'd like your input on some design tradeoffs I'm looking at.
I've got a build thread for a powered paraglider quad, but I recently read an FAA item that has me reconsidering PPG wing vs. Powered parachute wing. I was reading in the FAA's Powered Parachute Flying Handbook about the IMSAFE checklist for pilot fitness. in particular, I have an old back injury which can go into spasm and essentially immobilize me. This would be critical with a paraglider wing since the wing is steered by holding my arms out at my sides and moving them up and down - a movement impossible if I have a spasm. If I take a muscle relaxant prophylactically to prevent spasm, then I'm not meeting the medication checklist item (though there are low dose, low drowsiness alternatives). Because of this risk I'm leaning towards a powered parachute wing with foot steering (which won't risk a back spasm).
Unfortunately, I'm not happy about the tradeoffs of a powered parachute wing:
1) slower flying speed
2) greater airframe structural requirements which put FAR103 limits in jeapordy
I did find a 450 ft^2 powered parachute wing with a 350kg load that is faster than a traditional rectangular planform powered parachute wing:
This wing is listed as being for experiences pilots (which I'm not), but training might offset this issue.
Any thoughts to help me navigate these options?
Thanks, Michael