
Sorry for the delay responding; traveling.

My video card is an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970. I know it is not on the approved list but everything works fine when the program does not hang up. My processor is a Intel i7-6700 CPU running at 4.0 Ghz. I have 16 GB of RAM installed. Running under Windows 7.

Following my last post, I did an advanced full un-install (hopefully to clean out the registry) and then a full download and re-installation. I run diagnostics and everything is good except that the video card is not in the Solidworks database. Before I could run the Benchmark with rendering and Simulation just fine. Now even that hangs up. When I try to use it normally everything is fine until I try to start a new drawing or open an existing. The sequence is File-Part-OK. Then when I put the cursor over the window it shows the hourglass. If I click on the window, it gives me the message "Solidworks 2017 is not responding." Only option then is to close the program.

When I was trying to get going on Solidworks a few months ago I could at least run the program once successfully before this started happening. I had decided I could just leave the program running and have something workable. But if the computer did a reboot, I would have to do a re-installation to get my one run session going again. Now I have no options. I suspect something is amiss with my registration with Solidworks and this is what is causing the problem. Very frustrated.