Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
I do have one question, recently there was a topic, not mine, about which tents were best and/or where to buy them. Its not aviation. but as far as I recall no one objected to it
C'mon Bill, I think your arguing now just to be oppositional. C'mon man, you don't have to be a member of Mensa to see the distinct difference between discussing tents for Oshkosh and Equifax's massive security breach.

The tents and so many other inquiries within the topic Oshkosh are clearly aviation oriented because it's about Oshkosh which I don't have to remind you is 100% aviation(well, except for the mattresses and recliners).

The Equifax fubar is as far removed from aviation as you or I are from The Vatican. When was the last time any of us discussed our credit rating at the airport with anyone? If you say yes to this, I'll never believe you! I don't do any hangar talk/hangar flying because no one is ever at my hangar. If by chance it ever happened I wouldn't be discussing credit ratings and identity theft....guaranteed! Now cut the crap and move on.😎