Quote Originally Posted by Jim Hann View Post
Actually Marc 23.149(f) talks about VMCG (they put it all in caps in the rule)

Now if you really like letters here is a quote from AC 25-7B which is the guide to certifying your Part 25 aircraft.

23. Minimum Control Speed - § 25.149
a. Explanation
Section 25.149 defines requirements for minimum control speeds during takeoff climb (VMC), during takeoff ground roll (VMCG), and during approach and landing (VMCLand VMCL-2). ...
Uh, I think you guys have the wrong VMC! This forum is a takeoff of the IMC, Instrument Meteorological Conditions club that became part of the EAA. They are now starting Visual Meteorological Conditions clubs as part of EAA chapters, where they take a flight safety challenge and slowly explore it in a group setting. "What would you do in these conditions with this information?" kind of setting. I sat through one such scenario at a Chapter Leaders Training session at Oshkosh last September. It was a blast to tear into the scenarios, given only a part at a time, with suggestions, only to be followed with more of the unfolding scenario so we could do it again. Lot of fun, and some good sharing and learning about flying from that!