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Thread: Installation FAQs

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Installation FAQs

    I'm going to post updates here on issues and fixes with SOLIDWORKS installation:

    Installer says Windows pending reboot... Ignore this error and continue.
    I need to Renew my license to SW Uninstall the current version of SOLIDWORKS running on your computer by opening Add or Remove Programs, and on the Summary Change the Advanced Options and check all boxes (i.e., Registry Edits, Data Files and Folders, and Download Files and Folders). You will not lose your saved designs. Then, go to to request download instructions for the new version of SOLIDWORKS.
    I uninstalled the old SW and when I installed the new one it says files are missing. Do a complete uninstall and then reinstall the program. Make sure you also select Advanced uninstall and check the box next to registry edits. If you don't, it prefills the old serial on the new installation and says you are about to expire, and it leaves behind a Data folder for Toolbox that requires another work around.
    SQL Error SQL is only needed for SOLIDWORKS Electrical, so if you don't plan to work on electrical designs, you could uncheck that module in the Summary. If you do want to work on electrical designs, you can install SQL Express manually. Search for "sqlexpr_x64_enu.exe" on your computer using Windows Search. Extract the contents of that file to whatever directory it suggests and it will automatically open the SQL Express installation program. Select the "New SQL Server stand-alone..." option and follow instructions to completion. With SQL Express installed, try to reinstall SOLIDWORKS.
    SOLIDWORKS form prefills Serial # You have the registry edits from an old SOLIDWORKS version on your computer. To fix this:
    1) Go to Control Panel > Program and Features > SolidWorks and click ‘Change’ to modify the installation.
    2) Select ‘Modify the individual installation (on this computer)’ > click ‘Next’.
    3) Under ‘serial number’ change the serial for CAD and Electrical/PCB to the ones included with your installation instructions email. Also, delete the CAM serial, it is not required to install CAM for Education Premium.
    4) Click ‘Next’ on the Product Selection page to make sure all products will be installed and follow the instruction to complete the modification. After successful installation you will be prompted to activate your serial numbers when you first open SOLIDWORKS.
    Need to transfer license to another computer You can install SOLIDWORKS on another computer you own by simply using the same instructions and serial number you obtained from our website. Our license permits installing on as many computers as you own. If you need those instructions again, email Cory Puuri.
    Serial numbers don't work with all modules You only need to enter the CAD serial in the "3D DesignSOLIDWORKS" field (click to [+] to display the fields) and the PCB serial number in the "ElectricalDesign / PCB". All of the other modules you are entitled to will install with those serial numbers. One note, PCB is for circuit board design. If you don't plan on doing that design, you can leave it blank. You should still get what you need for Electrical Design to do wiring. Please make sure that you overwrite the CAD serial number and remove the CAM serial number if you did not do a clean uninstall of 2018-19.
    Error files are corrupted or missing Uninstall SOLIDWORKS. To do this, go to your computer’s Start menu and search for Add or Remove Programs. An alphabetical list of programs should appear. Find SOLIDWORKS and select Remove to uninstall SOLIDWORKS. Make sure you also select Advanced uninstall and check the box next to registry edits. If you don't, it prefills the old serial on the new installation and says you are about to expire. Try reinstalling after that and be sure your Firewall and Anti-virus software are disabled and all Windows updates are completed.
    Error 1722 Check out/complete this fix suggested by GSC.
    PCB Requires a login but I don't have one PCB is a separate program that you are entitled to. Before you open it, you need to install PCB Services (a collaboration server) even though you are the only client that will be using it. To do that, re-open the Installation Manager and Select the Server Products option and check the box next tot PCB Services. Follow this video from the 3:16 mark to complete installation:
    I am missing a module You do not need to uninstall SOLIDWORKS to add modules in. Here are instructions:
    1) Go to Add or Remove in the Windows Control Panel
    2) Search for SOLIDWORKS, click on it, and click the Modify button (ignore the "Windows... reboot" message and click OK).
    3) Select "Modify Your Installation" and click Next
    4) Make sure "3D DesignSOLIDWORKS" and "PCB" fields (assuming you want PCB - Printed Circuit Boards) are the only checked items and serial numbers are properly placed in those fields and click Next
    5) On the Summary page, review all modules that will be installed and if anything is missing, check the module you need.
    Installer says "already have a Toolbox/Data folder" When you do not do an Advanced uninstall of a prior version of SOLIDWORKS, it leaves a SOLIDWORKS Data folder in place and SOLIDWORKS will fail to create another SOLIDWORKS Data folder within the Lang sub-folder in that older folder. The workaround is to:
    1) Click Change next to Toolbox/Hole Wizard Options.
    2) Click the Browse button.
    3) Browsing will begin in a sub-folder of the old SOLIDWORKS Data folder called Lang. If that happens click the ↑ until the Windows Explorer address displays > Windows (C: ).
    4) Delete the SOLIDWORKS Data folder that appears in the list of files and folders.
    5) Click New folder option and name the folder whatever you’d like (e.g., SOLIDWORKS Data).
    6) Click the folder once to select that new folder and click the the Select folder button.
    Installer says "...The source folder is not versioned properly. If you copied the folder manually you may have forgotten to copy the" Uninstalling and re-installing should fix the issue, if you go this route you should also clear out the folder:
    'C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp'
    'C:\Users\User.Name\Documents\SOLIDWORKS Downloads\SOLIDWORKS 2020 SP0'
    The User.Name is your login name.
    This will make sure that your not using possible files from the past install that might have issues.

    Other FAQs from the SOLIDWORKS Forum
    Activation FAQs from DS SOLIDWORKS
    Last edited by Cory Puuri; 09-15-2020 at 02:40 PM.

  2. #2
    SOLIDWORKS Support Volunteer Jeffrey Meyer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I have a fully paid up commercial licence, so this explains why I can't get the educational key.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    How do I specify a different installation directory, and different data directories for / during installation?
    I am using a SSD for my C: drive and do not want to use it for this application?

  4. #4
    SOLIDWORKS Support Volunteer
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Queen Creek, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_G View Post
    How do I specify a different installation directory, and different data directories for / during installation?
    I am using a SSD for my C: drive and do not want to use it for this application?
    You can change it in the Installation Manager. See attached image.

    Attachment 5672
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I am grappling with an upgrade to an nVidia Quadro M4000 video card. Seems the GTX 1070 software is not up to Solidworks support standards even with 8 gb. Is that correct. Secondly should a dedicated SSD be attached to install and utilize fasts thru-put with a SATA6 bus?

  6. #6
    SOLIDWORKS Support Volunteer
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Queen Creek, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by John Cox View Post
    I am grappling with an upgrade to an nVidia Quadro M4000 video card. Seems the GTX 1070 software is not up to Solidworks support standards even with 8 gb. Is that correct. Secondly should a dedicated SSD be attached to install and utilize fasts thru-put with a SATA6 bus?

    Try out SolidWorks with what you have before making changes to your system. SolidWorks will likely work just fine with your current setup. Unless you are doing huge models you will likely be fine.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    After you do the install, run the tool SolidWorks Rx. That will give you an approximate size of the model your system should support without any problems. Be aware, though, that it is just an estimate.
    Mike G.

  8. #8
    Can't seem to install. First it said to download files manually so I did. Now during installation I get the message "
    Some manual downloads could not be verified or extracted. They may need to be downloaded again. Use the built-in Downloader or download the remaining files manually: "

    But it doesn't list any files to download. After several tries I deleted the downloaded files and downloaded them all again. Same result. Ideas????

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    What kind of internet connection do you have? The download installer is the way to go, but it will have issues with an unreliable connection. If you are trying to use WIFI but have a decent internet connection, consider connecting your computer to the router with an ethernet cable.

    Quote Originally Posted by DPhillips View Post
    Can't seem to install. First it said to download files manually so I did. Now during installation I get the message "
    Some manual downloads could not be verified or extracted. They may need to be downloaded again. Use the built-in Downloader or download the remaining files manually: "

    But it doesn't list any files to download. After several tries I deleted the downloaded files and downloaded them all again. Same result. Ideas????

  10. #10
    I installed Solidworks following the instructions, however the applications I received on m desktop was "Solidworks Composer" and "eDrawings". As far as I can tell, Solidworks Composer doesn't permit creating any drawings, only viewing drawings that have been previously created. Was "Composer" that application I was supposed to have received?
    Thanks for any help here..

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