Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
...The EAA ain't getting my SSN or driver's license number...
AmericanChecked asked for my SSN, which I gave, but I don't recall them asking for my driver's license number.

This whole issue reminds us all that the Young Eagles program, where private pilots take kids up for flights in their airplanes, is a risky endeavor. 99.9999999 percent of the time the rides go without a hitch. But, as is inevitable, an unthinkable tragedy is bound to happen, and it did in September 2014 when a kid and the pilot flying him were killed in a Young Eagles flight mid-air collision. (http://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news...-222822-1.html).
Now with hyper-political correctness, fear everywhere, and parents ready to sue, the spectre of "sexual impropriety" has raised its ugly head in the YE program.
We are no longer living in the age of innocence. I hope the YE program survives, but if as another poster wrote, his entire chapter is chucking it because they refuse to undergo the background check, it may not survive.
I've taken the test and submitted the background check to AmericanChecked. If anything bad happens as a result (such as my information compromised) I will report back. I kind of doubt it, though.
Do you suppose some people are refusing to undergo the background check because the DO have something to hide? Hmmmmmm?