As you were aware the more onerous screening has been shelved for a while. This was a result of some very slow-reflex knee jerk over the pilots on the Go! (which I refer to as Wake Up!) airline who both fell asleep during flight (one had undiagnosed sleep apnea). Barring a diagnosis, you shouldn't have a problem getting a regular medical at this point. If you mention that you might have it, they will demand a sleep study/wakefulness test. If you go on CPAP you need to get one with a memory chip that can show that you used it regularly.

Of course, the biggest thing you can do with regard to Sleep Apnea and general health is to get your weight down. There's definitely a correlation between obesity and sleep apnea in many cases. The issue that is being fought out is where is the probabilistic break point and at what point is the screening counterproductive.