This has crossed my mind many times. If I were you I'd buy an Ultralight for personal use and RENT a light sport for occasional use.

When I first started my flight training I thought the Light Sport class of planes was going to be the next "poor man's" aviation home. But personally I don't know of too many people who can afford a 100k dollar light sport plane.

Then you get into private pilot stuff and the cheapest you can get to fly is a C150/152 that's 20 years old and 20,000 dollars. IMO again not a good investment and expensive for the "average" person.

I discovered ultralights not long ago and for the cost of a late model used motorcycle you can find a good pre-built ultralight that can serve your needs well. You can't count the hours towards anything but at least you get to fly and for "cheap".

I have other interests besides flying such as motorcycles, shooting, cars, ect and this allows me to fly and keep doing the other things I enjoy doing. Not only that it allows you to get out of the shadow of "big brother" more than other modes of flying.

I dunno I guess I'm rambling a little bit but it does somewhat piss me off that we are to the point that an "entry level" aircraft such as a light sport can cost upwards of 100k dollars and that's considered "cheap" by many.

I'm just glad the 103 rules exist and I can legally fly pretty much where ever and whenever I want.