Marty, please don't even joke about attaching the shoulder harness to the vertical stabilizer. This is the least valuable suggestion. Its the flimsiest structure possible and someone may try it and call it an antenna.

One builder of a small open cockpit I saw has a 6 inch dowel (white pine) solidly mounted an inch or two aft of his shoulders and a touch above. The shoulder straps pass over this then run down behind the seat and attach to something way down there out of sight. Landing gear for all I know. Does not put a down force on your tender pink bod. If I could not avoid a high speed taxi into a fuel truck, this would be the one. A good, simple, light weight option. Yes, could be improved. I will go with the research over the burro crats every time.

I learn best from experience. My very first emergency was when I caught fire. I haven't flown in polyester underwear since.