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Thread: Enough is enough

  1. #11

    Join Date
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    Westfield, IN
    Limited to one spouse OR guest as well. I thought that is was a spouse and two guests in the past.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    So your a member! Most people only pay the $40.00 per year for dues and for that you get a great magazine and a membership. From what they tell me the magazine makes absollutly nothing and they actually produce it at a loss. Then you have a web site with Hal, Zack and Chad here at your disposal. A world class airshow, museum, and convention grounds with a paid staff to tend to our every need. There is also a staff to lobby the goverment for your right to fly. I don't think you have a argument. I think a week of Aviation Shang ra la for $110.00 is a great value!

  3. #13
    steveinindy's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    [insert 'rolls eyes' emoticon here.....]
    Roll your eyes if you like, but it's probably more accurate than you want to admit. Airshow aircraft tend to suck a lot of fuel and that fuel hasn't gotten cheaper.

    To you it's $35, to him is a 50% increase. I think his comments are justified and deserve an explanation.
    I agree it's justified to ask. I just was asking a similar question.

    To anyone it's a 50% increase (or if you want to be picky, something like a 46.66666% increase). I wasn't aware he wasn't a pilot and it amuses me that those of us who are and freely spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on their hobby get ticked over pocket change increases in the cost of their vacation.

    This must be the same ostrich approach that gave us the out of control debt in Washington. Must be nice to be able to just ignore these things......
    I've yet to see a "fiscally conservative" politician except at election time. All of them have their heads crammed somewhere and it isn't in sand.

    As for the "ostrich approach" to the EAA and Airventure: if you're so unhappy with the organization and it's events, there's a really simple solution to your frustration. Keep your money, don't be an EAA member and don't attend Oshkosh. If it's a sinking ship, know the analogy.

    I'm more than willing (like Chuck pointed out) to pay $110 to get to see planes I don't see anywhere else, support the EAA in it's mission and have every conceivable vendor I could ever need as a designer and builder in one location. Hell, I leave every year with way more "free" stuff than I ever spend on attendance and that includes the gas it takes to get there.

    As far as aviation conferences and events goes, this is probably the cheapest one out of the year that I attend (since I don't just go to regular local "zoom zoom" airshows).

    Like I said in the other thread, live together as brothers and sisters or perish apart as fools.
    Unfortunately in science what you believe is irrelevant.

    "I'm an old-fashioned Southern Gentleman. Which means I can be a cast-iron son-of-a-***** when I want to be."- Robert A. Heinlein.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by steveinindy View Post
    If it's a sinking ship, well...
    Yeah, drowning is such a better solution.....! I think that about sums up this guy's advice.
    The day I get over a thousand dollars worth of free stuff (like that promised by the hopey changey folks) I'll definitely go back to Osh!!
    What nonsense.

    When was the last time several long threads were devoted to (new) good ideas from EAA.....been awhile huh?

    Same as in DC, there are those that see it and those that don't. Look where that got us nationally.
    Last edited by flyingriki; 05-16-2012 at 11:56 AM.

  5. #15
    EAA Staff / Moderator Hal Bryan's Avatar
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    Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
    Here's a little background behind the decision:
    1. One of the big negative feedback items we hear from members and attendees each year is that “the admission structure is confusing and too complicated” with too many levels. There was and is a continuing need to simplify the admission structure.
    2. These rates better reflect the actual costs per guest on the grounds for a day or week at AirVenture.
    3. Looking at other multi-day membership conventions, aviation events and other similar activities, AirVenture was one of the very few that historically offered a spouse rate.
    4. Sadly, we’ve discovered the spouse rate has opened itself for abuse by some members and other attendees who were looking for a way to beat the system. It’s tough when an option offered with honorable intentions is used by people who aren’t as honorable, but unfortunately we’ve found that to be the case and it hurts everyone.
    Obviously, none of us like spending more money on things, so I understand the frustration. Please understand that the revenues from AirVenture go back into the site, for the amenities that attendees are asking for, such as flush toilets, campgrounds road paving to reduce dust, and better signage and food venues. While AirVenture is a unique event in many ways, we do monitor other single-day and multi-day events to make sure we stay in the middle range of cost and look to provide more value wherever possible.

    Hal Bryan
    EAA Lifetime 638979
    Vintage 714005 | Warbirds 553527
    Managing Editor
    EAA—The Spirit of Aviation

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I know how you can get in for free if your on a budget! If you volunter with Protect Our Planes ! Hal probably knows how to get a hold of those folks and the details but what you do is patrol around and keep people from jumping on or damaging other members airlanes. You do that for half the day and then you get the other half free to do as you please.

  7. #17
    steveinindy's Avatar
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    Since someone argued that the Disney comparison is invalid, here's some other non-EAA aviation events by comparison:

    European Business Aviation Conference and Exhibition (3 days; Geneva, Switzerland) $260 for non-NBAA/EBAA member (includes a 3 month membership)/$145 for NBAA/EBAA member

    AOPA Summit $340 for the full "package" (which includes some off-site activities)

    New Jersey Aviation Conference (1 day) $50

    Texas Aviation Conference (3 days) $175 or $250 on-site

    SAFE Symposium Member $300/$400 at the door Non-member $450/$500 at the door

    Montana Aviation Conference $140 per person or $270 for a person and their spouse

    Yes, I know a lot of these are not "general aviation" themed by the definition of this forum, but there just aren't that many GA only events. I don't think any of them have half the stuff AirVenture does either....
    Unfortunately in science what you believe is irrelevant.

    "I'm an old-fashioned Southern Gentleman. Which means I can be a cast-iron son-of-a-***** when I want to be."- Robert A. Heinlein.

  8. #18
    steveinindy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RV8505 View Post
    I know how you can get in for free if your on a budget! If you volunter with Protect Our Planes ! Hal probably knows how to get a hold of those folks and the details but what you do is patrol around and keep people from jumping on or damaging other members airlanes. You do that for half the day and then you get the other half free to do as you please.
    Equip me with a Tazer and you have a deal.
    Unfortunately in science what you believe is irrelevant.

    "I'm an old-fashioned Southern Gentleman. Which means I can be a cast-iron son-of-a-***** when I want to be."- Robert A. Heinlein.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Bryan View Post
    “the admission structure is confusing and too complicated”
    Yes, the admission structure certainly has been confusing and needlessly complicated.

    While you're at it, as a member of the community of Oshkosh, the host city for this event, may I ask that while clarifying admissions policy/pricing, might you also consider restructuring the way you report attendance to media outlets? It is very misleading to tell the public that 500,000 people came to town for AirVenture, when in fact the number is far lower, because you aren't counting "warm bodies," but rather individuals multiplied by the number of days. If one person shows up and buys admission for the whole week, reporting that as 7 "people" is highly misleading.

  10. #20
    hydroguy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mattmutz2 View Post
    ....... If one person shows up and buys admission for the whole week, reporting that as 7 "people" is highly misleading.
    That's true...we paid for the whole week as did our friends, but in reality we were there 10 days. So count each of us as 10 people or 40 total.
    It's just one dam job after another

    Brian C.
    Sport Air Racing League
    Race 155

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