Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Long View Post
Here is the message I sent to EAA and I stand by it. And no, for me the December issue wasn't much better. Articles on non-sport aviation should be the exception, not the rule.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Long
Date: Saturday, November 26, 2011
Subject: Hello, Mac, EAA calling
To: editorial@eaa.org

I am shocked by the editorial changes I see in the November 2011 issue of Sport Aviation....
I'd be interested in knowing what response you receive.

A few weeks ago, my wife (who is a member, btw..., and who has an obviously female first name...) sent an email to "editor" about an unrelated-to-this-thread topic. Also, her middle initial is "W".

His response called her "Mr. Worton". Talk about warming up to the membership.