I completed an RV-6 in 2001, and it is my current flying aircraft. I built it for speed, gentlemen's aerobatics, and X/C trips with various girlfriends. It still does everything well, except the girlfriend part. My wife (who acquired me in 2003) seems to frown on the girlfriend idea.

I'm months away from completing an RV-10, because the RV-6 only has two seats, and we have a 6 year old. The -10 should provide a great X/C platform for my family.

Somewhere in the basement are a fair number of Hatz parts, going back to the era between finishing the RV-6 and getting married. That project will be resurrected one of these days. I really enjoy building, so there won't be much of a pause after the RV-10. Except, I need to complete or sell my Champ project, which is a whole lot further along than the Hatz, so I guess it is next in line.

Somewhere along the way, I'd like to build a Steward Headwind, just for local puttering around.