Yesterday defined "marginal" on the weather front.

Negligible winds, but a low ceiling of around 1,500 feet. Easy call. No fly.

As I worked on little things with the airplane, a little sun as the clouds broke up and it's at 2,000. No, don't look at it. A sucker hole does not make for good flying weather.

An hour later it's changing for the better.

Now comes the internal debate:

Weather's shaping up! Whadda think? Ceiling's improved quite a bit, and it's breaking up to the east in bunches.

But look west, where it's coming from. That's a wall.

Yeah, but it doesn't look lower. Heck, I live at 2,000 feet AGL. And there's no wind.

What about that one cloud right there that is clearly lower than the others? And no wind? What's moving those clouds? Happy thoughts?

I can just fly around that cloud.

And if it brings friends?

I can just stay really local and shadow the pattern. If it gets worse, just zip down and land.

Now you're just straight out lying. You've been itching to put the airplane up the Coosa River for about a year.

Yeah, you're right. And I hate you.

So I didn't fly. I'm beginning to think aviation is a series of decisions and arguments on why not to fly rather than the opposite.