Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
Let's not get so defensive and appalled, some carts are necessary for deliveries of things, I understand and accept that. That's why I said "most" should be shut down as unnecessary. Most of the carts I saw running around had nothing in them, they were just joyriding.
How about shut down the use for a ride to the air show. For the Wednesday night show I think it was, where we were sitting there were two pickup trucks that had been driven out onto the field. (This was near the big twin Howard's) ... one of them had EAA logo on the door and I didn't see him handing out flyers.
So clearly personal use transportation abusing the "needed auto pass".

Which if being driven out there then, when else is that "privilege" being abused for personal benefit versus the "necessary" things.

It's like reality "frogger" game , not only when you are near the hard surface roads but now even on the grass around the planes.

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