Congrats hhobbit. Well done.

As you expereinced, flying into Oshkosh, is not 100% about YOUR flying and ATC Communication skills -- a lot is your ability to deal with other "problem" pilots, flying close to you.!!

There is an alarming Utube audio, from a year or so ago, of a pilot arguing with Milwaukee Approach, and insisting that he be allowed to fly into Oshkosh during Oshkosh week, without having even read the Notams, let alone having a copy in his aircraft. ( he was sent back to his depature airport, to get (and read) the Notams -- and rightly so)

I'll resist passing comments about RV licenses .. or I might get chucked out of here.
Let me just say, I feel a lot safer when I can get to fly in Class B airspace these days
