Hello pilots,

My name is Maxime, I come from Paris 1 week ago and I will stay 18 months in Boston.

In France, I passed my “ULM multiaxe” license. It's a pilot license really similar to your LSA license but the France limit the maximum take off weight of the aircraft to 450 kilos (472,5kilos w/ parachute). I know that in US, this weight is limited to 600 kilos. It is, according to me, the main difference between these 2 licenses.

I also know that in US, you have to firstly pass your driving license and after begin a training for the LSA license.
I already training myself to pass the US driving license asap.

My question is: With my ULM multiaxe french license, what I have to do if I want to fly over the USA with an LSA aircraft?

I don’t plan to buy an LSA aircraft but just sometimes rent one and make some local flights, at least to maintain my pilot knowledges.

English radio test? Theoretical test? Practical test?

Thank you for your answers.
