In my 42 years attending Oshkosh I have noticed a significant decrease in the number of Aircraft participating in the Warbird shows. I am curious why this is. Is it the cost of the fuel, or certain qualifications to participate or insurance or politics? Granted we were spoiled with years like the "Tribute to Valor" in I believe 1995 . I am not criticizing, just curious. It just seems in the past the Warbird area pretty much emptied out during the show and now most of the planes stay parked. Also, I know it is a timing issue, but I really, really miss when ALL of the Warbirds would take off and recover in front of the crowd. Nothing more beautiful to see or hear than all those big beautiful engines running up on take off. Unfortunately Oshkosh is my only opportunity to get my Warbird fix in, so I wait all year for it to happen.