My annual from last year expired Oct 31 so I delivered the plane to the shop in Boulder. And now this morning, 2 months and 23 days later I just received a phone call that it is ready!
The big delay was that we had a slight looseness in one prop blade last year and this year all were definitely loose, so they removed the prop assembly. Then came the sticking point, one prop shop had closed down and others were just too busy. Finally one at the closest airport agreed to do the O H., but it took awhile to get work started. Then they found corrosion in the hub, and even though it didn't look like much to me, you can't take a chance with a critical part. So a week to look for an overhauled one, then Christmas break, then a week to order a new hub, and it about another three to get it reassembled. The good news was the blades were ok.
I was fortunate to borrow a nice Vtail Bonanza to fly, but glad mine it finally done. The bill is going to be a whopper, not only the new hub, but 2 new mags ( sent them out for OH, and got the corrosion result also) but also all the labor.
Hope I can remember how to fly it.
And thankfully it is a VFR day, and looks good for the next few, for some test flying!