
My first thread on here....although I admit to being a long time lurker while I have been researching what I would like to build!

After much (oh god sooo much) deliberation I finally settled on the Cozy Mk IV. I have a pretty simple mission, me+SHMBO+bags. Good speed and long range. My "mission within the mission" is that I want to visit all MLB ball parks in one season!

I have never worked with composites before, however I have spent my whole career in Engineering, so I think I will be capable of pulling it off. I do plan to keep to a reasonably tight budget, by this I dont mean cutting corners, simply that I dont intend to fit a fancy $50k avionics package or $30k paint scheme..you get the idea.

Most of the construction will take place in my 2 car garage at home now that my project car has been completed (1969 Fiat spider for those who are interested). I assume that when it comes to fitting wings etc I will have to move to a trailer as I guess it will be too wide to be transported by trailer at that point? Perhaps someone could advise?

I have several EAA chapters nearby, I will be contacting them today for advise and support. I am also lucky enough that the EAA composite construction workshop will be here in Houston in December, so I will be going along to that also!

One reason that I decided to go homebuilt rather than the Mooneys I was looking at, is that I have a large amount of spare time. I work a 28day on, 28day off rotation, with very little time commitments in this 28day off period. It would be my intention to get as many hours in as possible (assuming the bank balance allows for this). What would be REALLY great (and pretty unrealistic) would be flying it to OSH '15, as the last few years I have driven...and driving from Houston is a drag!!

Anyway...I plan on becoming a much more active member on here rather than lurking like I have been, thanks for all the help and advise I have already received, even if you didnt realize it!
