This is kind of sort of related to the survey threads, but I am more interested in the outcome rather than discussing the merits of this particular survey.

In particular I am interested in learning what kind of people come to Oshkosh. The first and most obvious questions include:

How many people actually come? It is not the 500,000 advertised.That number, as has been posted elsewhere, treats a single week pass as seven people attending. How many discrete human beings were in attendance? This is a little harder than just how many admissions were sold or distributed. Some people come for two or three days buying and individual ticket for each day.

How many of these people are pilots?

What is the make-up of the non-pilots? Categories might include family and friends of pilots; aviation enthusiasts (which can itself be broken down); non-pilot members of the aviation industry; and some category that would include people who are just there for the entertainment value, without any particular aviation interest. (Family and friends might be broken down into family who are aviation enthusiasts and those long suffering souls who just wanted to keep an eye on their pilot family member or who were otherwise dragged their against their will.

Age, sex, and distance traveled are also interesting.

Some of these are addressed in the survey. Some are not. There has to be an effort to get a good statistical sample of the survey, too. The survey takers know this, but having seen other surveys (and survey analysis) I know that such things are not necessarily given.

This is more than just idle curiosity. These numbers can provide a basis for aviation strategy -- a strategy to reach out to the public and ensure that we have an aviation future.

Maybe all of this information is already posted and I just don't know where to find it.