There were many improvements to Air Venture over last year. These comments are just meant to make it better.

1. It was great to have the sessions at the innovation center on the forum list. We now need to continue to add all events to one schedule. The speakers at the War Bird and the Museum need to be on the list with the Forums and workshops.

2. It is probably time to start to replace the chairs that are in the Forums and workshops. Some are getting unsafe. Maybe a few each year.

3. The Jumbotron was a good idea. There needs to be more monitors and it would be great if it could be live streamed as well.

4. Great to move the member meeting to Wednesday morning. How about streaming the meeting so that those that can not attend can see and hear it. Maybe record it so those that are not able to watch live can see it.

5. The Sporty's APP is a good idea. I wish they would use a system that allowed for live updates. Like using Then as items change, it could be pushed to the users and updated so the information is current.

6. It would be nice if the EAA merchandise stores had minitures and models of the Experiemental and Amateur Aircraft. Heard lots of people wanting to buy one like a Sonex, Lancair, or a Vans.