Hardly sporting to give yourself an easy out if you break the airplane.
LOL You're kidding right?

The rule is ridiculous, an out of date chute is better than none if your wing fails in flight, pfft!
Assuming that it opens or opens correctly. As our Aussie friend points out, there are some serious technical issues with a chute left to sit for years.

Speaking from experience as a skydiver, I've had a chute fail to open and when it was investigated, the rigger was found to have not repacked it when he said they did based on a discrepancy between the label my friend (the owner of the chute) had installed on the chute for his own quick verification and the paperwork the rigger filled out. Luckily, the reserve had been repacked by someone else who actually did it or there's a decent chance I might not be alive today. To this day, that remains the only time I've had to rely on a reserve to get down safely. Also to this day, the guy who did his job and repacked that reserve doesn't pay for his own meals whenever I am around.

I'm getting lazy these days and pay some one else 8 bucks to pack my main.
LOL Exactly, a repack if you have skydiving friends isn't that much.