I am new to the EAA and have not yet started any training , although I have been a life-long flying enthusiast . As I get nearer retirement I am considering the purchase of a used Sonex light sport airplane to obtain SP license. My 14yo son would like to be a professional pilot for a career. My question is , can he earn a private pilot license in a light sport airplane and build time from there? (with the properly licensed instructor of course!) If this plane was equipped for IR flight rules , could he also use it for obtaining the insturment rating ? Commercial ticket ? Seems that we could save considerable expense by owning one plane to be used by two people , rather than renting 152/172 etc. ( I like the Sonex for its' popularity, Wis mfg, cool looks, superb engineering and the wings remove to hanger in our garage, saving more !)
Any thoughts on this idea ?