Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
Wirejock, what airport do you fly from and what flight school?I went to college in Austin, and wish I had been a member and learned to fly with the Longhorn Flying Club when I was there; I did a lot of skiing and some scuba diving instead, but a friend did get his private there and went on to be an airline captain. I also used to fly into Mueller often, both airlines and private, and had avionics work done there and also took refreshser flight courses from the Bonanza pilots group there.What a great airport that was, and I am really sorry that it closed, and is now mostly a slum area. Bergstrom is not the same, many just a big airline airport out of town.Of course the really important thing is that U T beat the Aggies, much more critical than any mere aviation matter.I agree the a formal ground school class, either at a local college or FBO or whatever is a good thing. Having a set time means you will probably get the material covered, and it may be more interesting to do it with others and you might meet some flying friends. You can do the study alone, and I have also done it that way, but it is easy to put off home study or get interupted or distracted.Since taxpayers are paying part of the costs at a public college, you may get a good value for your money.
Bill:Small world. I graduated UT in 1981. I got my flight training @ Lockhart from Joe and Louanne Stenger. Stenger Air has a small operation there and I give them five stars. Louanne was my CFI. Both are awesome career CFIIs. I loved Lockhart because it took no time to get into the training area. Plus, good BBQ is everywhere.Funny, Mueller is now one of the high end neighborhoods!