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Thread: two side-by-side Bird's (Bird F and Speed Bird model A)

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    two side-by-side Bird's (Bird F and Speed Bird model A)

    I have a lot of questions concerning the some of the Brunnel-Winkle Bird's.
    For a start two side-by-side.
    The last of the line Brunnel-Winkle was model F (serial X790N), this was a side-by-side with a Packard D-980 Diesel engine.
    In Statistical Study of U.S. Civil Aircraft of January 1, 1958, page 36, claim that the Bird model F was later fitted with a 450 hp Pratt & Whitney Wasp Junior.
    I have only found the enclosed picture, on the net, further no details/materials (dimensions/weights/drawings/etc.)

    In VA Vol.18 August 1990 and Vol.21 May 1993 is the story about the Speed Bird model A (serial 15641), which was found with a Le Blond 5DF 85 hp.
    Enclosed a few pictures found on an auction stite, interrested/strange is the serial plate inside the cockpit.

    Who can help me with:

    1. Historical information about the model F;
    2. All kind of detail/information about the aeroplane also drawings;
    4. Pictures;
    4. Colors;
    5. Other interresting materials?

    Concerning the Speedbird:
    1. All kind of de details materials/information about the aeroplane also drawings;
    2. Pictures taken during the restauration, with construction details;
    3. Other interresting materials?
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