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Thread: Oshkosh 2021?

  1. #1

    Oshkosh 2021?

    Who thinks there will be an Airventure in 2021?

  2. #2
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Cautiously optimistic. It will take widespread distribution of a vaccine. I think the "drop dead" date for the EAA making a decision was around mid-May this year. They may be able to improve on that given that they have more lead time next year.

  3. #3
    steve's Avatar
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    During the last EAA Chapter Video, Charlie Becker said there WILL be an Airventure Oshkosh 2021. So there ya go.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
    Cautiously optimistic. It will take widespread distribution of a vaccine. I think the "drop dead" date for the EAA making a decision was around mid-May this year. They may be able to improve on that given that they have more lead time next year.

    We won't need a vaccine in a couple of months.......

  5. #5
    robert l's Avatar
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    I've never thought they wouldn't have it, and I'll bet it's going to be spectacular. I've already been making plans to fly my 1966 Cessna 150, gathering light weight camping gear and started my 30 lb weight loss program. Oshkosh is like a kid waiting for Christmas !

  6. #6
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    Agree with Ron......with today’s ROEs in place I would be cautiously optimistic. It’s going to take widespread availability of a vaccine and acceptance for any large crowd event to get back to “normal”.
    Dave Shaw
    EAA 67180 Lifetime
    Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun

  7. #7

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    "Who thinks there will be an Airventure in 2021?"

    Heck, the way things are going, who thinks there will BE a 2021?
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  8. #8
    robert l's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHICAGORANDY View Post
    "Who thinks there will be an Airventure in 2021?"

    Heck, the way things are going, who thinks there will BE a 2021?
    There will be a 2021, but like every new year, we never know what it's going to bring. For me, I'm still flying as much as I can.
    With a survival rate of 99.97%, we're over due to get back to living a normal life. Acutally, the only difference in my life is, if a store has a sign that ask you to wear a mask, I usually comply, other than that, life is as usual. Still gathering with family, still gathering with the gang at the airport on Saturdays.

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by robert l View Post
    There will be a 2021, but like every new year, we never know what it's going to bring. For me, I'm still flying as much as I can.
    With a survival rate of 99.97%, we're over due to get back to living a normal life. Acutally, the only difference in my life is, if a store has a sign that ask you to wear a mask, I usually comply, other than that, life is as usual. Still gathering with family, still gathering with the gang at the airport on Saturdays.

    Same here......with ONE exception, If a store DEMANDS a mask, I go somewhere else.

  10. #10
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    Just a hypothetical...... If EAA requires a mask for AirVenture 2021 does that mean you wouldn’t attend??

    When the museum reopened they were taking temps, required a signed statement of health and the use of a mask was required for entry. Now that was back in August. Wisconsin got hit pretty hard shortly after Labor Day, don’t know what they are doing now but I’m betting they are still in that mode.
    Dave Shaw
    EAA 67180 Lifetime
    Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun

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