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Doesn't look like anything needs to be added for basic IFR training. I'm not sure I'd actually fly such a thing in IMC. You've got only 1 (ancient but passable) NAV radio so that will be challenging. The Apollo 920 GPS and the 295 aren't IFR.
And putting the Nav head over on the far side of the radio stack is likely to be annoying. Frankly, I'd ditch the 920, put the VSI back where it belongs and put the NAV indicator where the VSI is currently.
If I was serious about IFR, I'd ditch the docking station and put an IFR GPS there (ditching the POS comm radio if necessary). I'd absolutely insist on pitot heat (I can't see if this has it now).
On the other hand, Cherokee 180s are pretty nice flyers. This one seems set up pretty well as a VFR traveller and timebuilder.