Are you aware that EAA has publicly acknowledged that they have already cancelled some local events and flight operations in order to exercise social distancing? Are you aware that EAA stated just a few days ago that they have SHUT DOWN the Museum and Headquarters in Oshkosh until March 31 in accordance with state and federal guidance regarding COVID-19 transmission. They will revisit at that time. Are you aware they told the staff to go home and work from home?

Does it not seem logical and pragmatic that the next shoe to drop will be AV Oshkosh despite the unfortunate fact that EAA has not said one word on the subject or offered any guidance to the membership.

ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS THIS: The Governor of Wisconsin set out an emergency order late last week that prohibits public gatherings of more than 10 people. I've been going to OSH for a few decades so I'm pretty, pretty sure that AV Oshkosh would fall into that prohibition.

And despite ALL of the above, today I received an email from EAA to buy 2020 AV T-shirts on line as if it will be a collectors item if cancelled. Oh, the irony, oh, the horror! Oh, the comedy of errors. Here's a T-Shirt they should consider:



Randy, I have an assignment for you. Get in touch with Jack Pelton and ask him if EAA Org and/or EAA Foundation has Business Disruption Insurance not cancelled or subject to Force Majeur in their overall Insurance Packge. I'm betting the answer is yes as large organizations and corporate entities with lots to lose do have it.