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Thread: To the EAA - it's OK if you have to cancel AirVenture 2020

  1. #11
    We have canceled our rental car and hotel room.

    Just as the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics have been canceled until next year (2021), it would be prudent for AirVenture to do likewise.

  2. #12
    I plan on showing up, cancelled or not. Not to intermingle with people but damn it, I want that 2020 patch!
    That way when I display it in my patch collection I can honestly say "I was there" even if no one else was.
    (Humor - trying to remain sane in an insane world.)

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I agree with Randy. Its okay if Airventure is cancelled for the good of all of us. This year I want to attend more than ever due to the Air Force Special Operations Highlight being a former member of the 1st SOS. Will I continue to plan to attend? Yes. My wife works in the emergency room of a local hospital where they are caring for 2 patients with coronavirus, but I'm not going to become a hermit and hide from this, but I will practice social distancing and do everything in my power to protect myself and my family. Its still to early to call it off though at this time. EAA is doing the right thing by waiting. If by the June things aren't better, then canceling might be prudent.

    One thing I heard the other day is that because of the wet weather we've been having is that the ticks are going to be bad this year. If We all go to Oshkosh, we may all suffer the effects of Corona with Lyme. Think about it.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Omro, WI
    If they do have to cancel, I hope their event insurance covers health emergencies, or we might be talking about a very different EAA if it doesn't. AV is the life blood of the organization, not membership dues.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by scuba72 View Post
    …. we may all suffer the effects of Corona with Lyme.
    I'm willing to be a test subject.


  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    What happens if the facts & stats show that the majority of CV19 moved across the west/midwest in January & February when no social distancing was in effect and only became "visible" when it hit the east coast? It explains why CA through the midwest have such flat curves as opposed to the east coast over the last few months. Somehow, miraculously, all illnesses/deaths recorded due to cancer, flu, & pneumonia have dropped significantly over the last 2 months. Government spokesperson expert Dr. Birx revealed yesterday that they are being "liberal" & noting cause of death in all cases as CV19 if they have ANY trace of it. In addition, a MN doctor also revealed on camera today that the MN Health department (via CDC) indicated to use CV19 as cause of death regardless of other conditions, even if not tested for it and maybe only exposed to it. If you ignore the causes and look at all available data on illnesses and deaths over history, yes, there is an uptick in late 2019 & early 2020, but would compare to the totals when the other surprise viruses hit the US in the past (like H1N1), when you look at ALL the data.

    More information will be gained over the next two weeks. I am glad EAA is taking the proper time and available data to make decisions instead of taking panic measures as others have. Hold off as long as possible. We may learn more soon.

  7. #17

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    Aug 2016
    I am confident that the EAA would never choose to put National and International visitors in jeopardy. Until solid test data from across the country is available to the professional epidemiologists all any of us can do is wait and see. Since the world does in fact revolve around me and my situation - lol - I've had my AirVenture motel room secured since last July and can cancel it without penalty almost up to the last minute, my AirVenture $$$ is safely set aside in my savings account, and I'm still gathering new and old jokes anticipating my conductor duties in July.

    That said, I have truly enjoyed MY lifelong passion for all things aviation, but I recognize that lifelong passions do NOT equal life or death gratification. I started this thread and comment now with the same intent. It's OK if EAA has to cancel AirVenture this year. that would just make AirVenture 2021 that much "more".
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Oklahoma City, OK
    Quote Originally Posted by bmckinney View Post
    what happens if the facts & stats show that the majority of cv19 moved across the west/midwest in january & february when no social distancing was in effect and only became "visible" when it hit the east coast? It explains why ca through the midwest have such flat curves as opposed to the east coast over the last few months. Somehow, miraculously, all illnesses/deaths recorded due to cancer, flu, & pneumonia have dropped significantly over the last 2 months. Government spokesperson expert dr. Birx revealed yesterday that they are being "liberal" & noting cause of death in all cases as cv19 if they have any trace of it. In addition, a mn doctor also revealed on camera today that the mn health department (via cdc) indicated to use cv19 as cause of death regardless of other conditions, even if not tested for it and maybe only exposed to it. If you ignore the causes and look at all available data on illnesses and deaths over history, yes, there is an uptick in late 2019 & early 2020, but would compare to the totals when the other surprise viruses hit the us in the past (like h1n1), when you look at all the data.

    More information will be gained over the next two weeks. I am glad eaa is taking the proper time and available data to make decisions instead of taking panic measures as others have. Hold off as long as possible. We may learn more soon.

    I agree 100%!!

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Well, if it’s cancelled Randy, you’ll have to come on here throughout the day and tell jokes. Maybe do a livestream while walking around your yard? My family got on the tram last year sitting in the back and we briefly chatted with you during the ride. You provided a few jokes. It didn’t dawn on me until about a week after that you were “the” CHICGORANDY.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Yes, I am he. The one and only ChicagoRandy, the man, the myth, the legend - LOL

    If AirVenture does end up a no go - I hereby promise I shall do just that. I know I can record videos on my Android smartphone and my PC webcam. Would just have to figure out a simple, quick way to upload them. lol Worth investigating I reckon, the heavens know I got nuthin' but time nowadays.
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

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