I believe Tesla has a system that allows owner to quickly recharge and resume a cross-country flight...err, drive.

It may not be directly applicable today, but with development time a workable system can probably be deployed.

About 40 years ago, I was an Air Force shavetail operating early warning satellites. Those who might remember their history will recall that WWIII never broke out. This meant a lot of overnight shifts with nothing to do but wait for the satellite to break or the Soviets to launch a test missile.

I ended up reading a lot of Science Fiction. Especially some of Robert Heinlein's young adult books. Really liked one of them, but it had one aspect that I felt was completely unrealistic. "That would require a huge infrastructure to support. No one would EVER develop or fund such a thing."

The technology? The main character carried a telephone with him, that let him call anywhere in the world whenever he wanted.

So you rarely see me these days, claiming that some technology will never mature.

Ron "Space Cadet" Wanttaja