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Thread: Designated Smoking Areas

  1. #21
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Hopkins didn't say that. A pulmonologist associated with them and who is a FLACK for the ALA, said it "could" be a problem. Others say no. The secondary "vape cloud" is much less encompassing than smoke. Unless the vaper is blowing out in your face, it's not likely a problem.

  2. #22
    DaleB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Boatright View Post
    I despise smoking.
    Me too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Boatright View Post
    I thought the other poster running down a list of chemicals in second hand smoke was a bit overdone.
    Again... me too.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
    I can't see vaping as big of a health hazard as breathing TEL fumes form 13.000 leaded-fuel burning aircraft.
    Or even being within visual range of someone smoking (gasp!! OMG!!) an actual cigarette.
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  3. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
    Hopkins didn't say that. A pulmonologist associated with them and who is a FLACK for the ALA, said it "could" be a problem. Others say no. The secondary "vape cloud" is much less encompassing than smoke. Unless the vaper is blowing out in your face, it's not likely a problem.

  4. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
    Hopkins didn't say that. A pulmonologist associated with them and who is a FLACK for the ALA, said it "could" be a problem. Others say no. The secondary "vape cloud" is much less encompassing than smoke. Unless the vaper is blowing out in your face, it's not likely a problem.

  5. #25

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    [QUOTE=DaleB;77508]Me too.
    Again... me too.
    Or even being within visual range of someone smoking (gasp!! OMG!!) an actual cigarette.[/QUOTE

    Hey Dale- You watch your 6 year old niece dying in front of you in her moms arms because she breathed in toxins from Second Hand Smoke and there’s not a thing you can do to help her. We’ll see how “over done” you feel about exposing the truth of what’s in 2nd Hand Smoke and the extreme danger it presents to people. We’re all pilots here. We’re all on the same team. If I tell you that a little girl would love to be able to come to Oshkosh to see the best Airshow on the planet with her brothers and uncle every year but she can’t because some smoker thinks it’s just too important to light up- what would you say about that? She cried this year because she’s old enough to understand what she’s missing out on and how much fun the boys have every year at the Airshow. How would that make you feel bud? I can tell you first hand how it makes me feel- Aviation is missing out on an incredibly intelligent passionate and resilient little girl who one day will grow up and remember that she was excluded from the greatest show on earth because the EAA didn’t have the courage to stand up and do what’s right. Cigarettes/Vape/Tobacco Products of any kind have ZERO business being at a family oriented major event like Oshkosh. Our kids are the future of Aviation and it isn’t exactly smart to exclude them because we think gate receipts might take a hit if we ban tobacco. In fact it’s flat out stupid not to ban tobacco because the gate receipts would be much higher if we did because families like myself and Francks would come out in much greater numbers.
    Last edited by Mark17; 08-15-2019 at 01:23 PM.

  6. #26
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    This thread kind of highlights an experience I had this weekend.

    Washington State prohibited most indoor smoking back in 1985. In that time, one tended to forget what it was like BEFORE the law.

    I spent this last weekend at a sea-side resort near home (drinking Guinness and singing along to Irish music at the Galway Bay Pub, if anyone's wondering). During the weekend, we were casting about for somewhere different to eat dinner, and we decided a nearly new local casino would be worth a try.

    It's owned by a local Indian tribe...and, of course, the state anti-smoking rules don't apply.

    We walked into the place, and were nearly knocked on our keisters by the smell of stale cigarette smoke. In 35 years, we'd forgotten how truly awful the atmosphere was, back before indoor smoking was banned.

    Geeze. Obviously, we went elsewhere for food.

    Ron "No, Nay, Never" Wanttaja

  7. #27

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    Just wondering out loud, what health smart chemicals are in aircraft exhaust, showplane aerobatic smoke - seems like everyone uses it to the max - and fuel powered pyrotechnics? You know, like spectators could/do inhale at most all airshows?

    How about exhaust from all the school buses and John Deere tractors? Or vapors at the gas pump? or peanuts (if you're allergic) or bees, or ...........

    Maybe the answer is to just to try and enjoy life in moderation? Understanding that sometimes very rare 'stuff' can and does happen to a tiny minority of our fellow humans, who MUST never be exposed to even small amounts of some things. Which does make their individual lives a true challenge.
    Last edited by CHICAGORANDY; 08-16-2019 at 07:16 AM.
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  8. #28

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    Mark 17, if as you say the little girl did actually pass out while being outdoors at Airventure, what then? Did you seek a doctor or medical help and if so what did they say about her condition and diagnose? Is it like an allergy to nuts?

    I have never heard of anyone passing out in that situation nor seen it in the 37 years I have been coming to Oshkosh, not even in the awful pollution caused by the planes using Corvus oil for smoke which blows onto the crowd.
    Most of us grew up in a time when there was smoking in restaurants and public places and I have never heard of anyone passing out from it. My Dad once smoked and my Stepmom did and I hated the stink of it but never saw anyone adult or child pass out around her. Even today if you go into a hotel or such there is 2nd hand smoke from people who are out there and not allowed to smoke indoors. How do you have the child go any of these places?

  9. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by CHICAGORANDY View Post
    Just wondering out loud, what health smart chemicals are in aircraft exhaust, showplane aerobatic smoke - seems like everyone uses it to the max - and fuel powered pyrotechnics? You know, like spectators could/do inhale at most all airshows?

    How about exhaust from all the school buses and John Deere tractors? Or vapors at the gas pump? or peanuts (if you're allergic) or bees, or ...........

    Maybe the answer is to just to try and enjoy life in moderation? Understanding that sometimes very rare 'stuff' can and does happen to a tiny minority of our fellow humans, who MUST never be exposed to even small amounts of some things. Which does make their individual lives a true challenge.
    Hey Randy- I get what you’re saying bud and I agree with your basic premise. Obviously Avgas and smoke oil and the like are not good to breath. The main difference here is the proximity to the Chemicals found in both. When someone lights up a cigarette, it can be right next to you or it can be 100 yards away. Even at 100 yards Cigarette smoke contains hydrogen Cynaide and Polonium 210. Polonium 210 is Radioactive. I don’t need to tell ya what Radiation does obviously. Hydrogen Cynaide on the other hand is its own toxic animal. It’s is so toxic that it actually alters your DNA when exposed to it even at short and medium distances and limited exposure sets. So at 50 yards, even as you walk through it, it’s actually altering your DNA. I know it sounds crazy but it’s actually true. I didn’t know a lot about cigarettes before my niece had her experience. Unfortunately, now I do.

    With our family anyway I think there’s a basic understanding what the risks are both environmentally and physically by attending Oshkosh. What I’m not willing to accept however is knowingly being exposed to chemicals in close proximity that fundamentally are designed to kill people that are found in Cigarette Smoke/Vape when it would be so easy to just say ya know what- everyone knows that 2nd Hand Smoke is dangerous so in a move to make it safer for everyone at Oshkosh we’ll just nip this in the butt right now! Lol did you see what I did there!?

    Randy I’ve been flying for 35 years. My dad’s been flying for 61 years. Obviously being exposed to 100LL that entire time. Given the choice I would never expose myself or family to 100LL. But currently there’s not much in the way for options to avoid it. Cigarettes/Vape/Tobacco can easily be avoided if EAA would ban it. That Solution is a heck of a lot easier than coming up with a brand new fuel alternative on the spot. In today’s day and age with everything that we know about 2nd hand smoke and the consequences of involuntary exposure, it’s just the right thing to do for everyone. From a liability standpoint alone, it’s smart. From a health prospective it’s smart. My Dad is a retired Navy Captain and Flight Surgeon. He flew Super Constellations in Vietnam on Hurricane Tracker Missions. The one thing he said besides the amazement of watching the connie’s Wings flap up and down like an eagle in flight, was the entire crew smoked on the plane for the duration of the mission. Sometimes 10 hour flights. Of the guys that flew on my Dad’s Crew, My Dad is the only one left. He’s obviously not a smoker. Same with my Grandpa. He was an 8th Air Force Flight Surgeon. He outlived all of his WW2 buddies- again, they smoked and he didn’t. I think if EAA can send the right message that says you know what- we know that smoking is deadly so we’re not going to allow it, that would go a long way in promoting long term Aviation all by itself.

  10. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Mark 17, if as you say the little girl did actually pass out while being outdoors at Airventure, what then? Did you seek a doctor or medical help and if so what did they say about her condition and diagnose? Is it like an allergy to nuts?

    I have never heard of anyone passing out in that situation nor seen it in the 37 years I have been coming to Oshkosh, not even in the awful pollution caused by the planes using Corvus oil for smoke which blows onto the crowd.
    Most of us grew up in a time when there was smoking in restaurants and public places and I have never heard of anyone passing out from it. My Dad once smoked and my Stepmom did and I hated the stink of it but never saw anyone adult or child pass out around her. Even today if you go into a hotel or such there is 2nd hand smoke from people who are out there and not allowed to smoke indoors. How do you have the child go any of these places?
    No Bill- this didn’t happen at Oshkosh. It was at the Minnesota State Fair. And yea- she basically can’t go anywhere that would expose her to 2nd hand smoke. That’s why I’m so passionate about the issue on top of the obvious health problems for everyone exposed and the fact it’s costing us 400 BILLION Dollars every year in otherwise totally unnecessary health care and lost productivity.

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