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Thread: Designated Smoking Areas

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Mark 17, if as you say the little girl did actually pass out while being outdoors at Airventure, what then? Did you seek a doctor or medical help and if so what did they say about her condition and diagnose? Is it like an allergy to nuts?

    I have never heard of anyone passing out in that situation nor seen it in the 37 years I have been coming to Oshkosh, not even in the awful pollution caused by the planes using Corvus oil for smoke which blows onto the crowd.
    Most of us grew up in a time when there was smoking in restaurants and public places and I have never heard of anyone passing out from it. My Dad once smoked and my Stepmom did and I hated the stink of it but never saw anyone adult or child pass out around her. Even today if you go into a hotel or such there is 2nd hand smoke from people who are out there and not allowed to smoke indoors. How do you have the child go any of these places?
    The other issue too is the Cigarettes of today are a completely different animal than the smokes that were around when I was a kid. Cigarette manufactures are losing their clientele both to the toxicity of their product and to people wising up. In an effort to combat this the manufacturers are lacing cigarettes with greater amounts of chemicals that are infinitely more addictive as well as infinitely more deadly. That’s what Hydrogen Cyanide and Benzene are doing in Cigarettes. If you can hook someone after trying Cigarettes just a few times, you’ve got a new customer to replace the one that died off. So the name of the game is addiction at any cost. Cigarettes back in the day had far less of these incredibly toxic chemicals but yet even in their own right, were highly deadly. Today’s Cigarette is a certain death sentence in comparison.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Mark 17, if as you say the little girl did actually pass out while being outdoors at Airventure, what then? Did you seek a doctor or medical help and if so what did they say about her condition and diagnose? Is it like an allergy to nuts?

    I have never heard of anyone passing out in that situation nor seen it in the 37 years I have been coming to Oshkosh, not even in the awful pollution caused by the planes using Corvus oil for smoke which blows onto the crowd.
    Most of us grew up in a time when there was smoking in restaurants and public places and I have never heard of anyone passing out from it. My Dad once smoked and my Stepmom did and I hated the stink of it but never saw anyone adult or child pass out around her. Even today if you go into a hotel or such there is 2nd hand smoke from people who are out there and not allowed to smoke indoors. How do you have the child go any of these places?
    The Chemicals in the 2nd hand Smoke that she breathed in caused Full Cardiac Arrest. Her Lips turned Ice Blue. Her Face was Gun Metal Grey. EMT’s came and rushed her to the hospital where the Cardiology Team got her back up and running in 6 weeks. We can’t take her anywhere now where she might be exposed to 2nd hand smoke. Period. As you can imagine this makes things pretty hard. It was a watershed moment for our entire family.

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I have never heard of that, is it like a allergy to nuts which can be that serious? It would be so hard to take her anywhere, for instance the Radison where I stayed has ash trays on the front porch and that is there smoking area. You get 2 or 3 of them puffing away and you have to walk through a cloud of smoke to enter. I think the Hilton is a bit like that, but has more doors to enter.
    I wonder if you can and should carry an Epie pen for her or if you can slowly condition her to it. Its going to be really hard to never have any smoke anywhere, for instance I just got a whiff in my window at the traffic light, just enough to smell it.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 08-16-2019 at 01:48 PM.

  4. #34
    I was on vacation recently and witnessed something similar. I wonder if it was the same issue

  5. #35
    SOLIDWORKS Support Volunteer Jeffrey Meyer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    As long as people smoke in designated areas, I see no issue. It's their choice. I also know a lot of people complain about cigarette smell that stays on the smoker long after they smoked. As a vaper I have ho issue with that and the vapes I get from Nexus Smoke always smell nice.
    Last edited by Jeffrey Meyer; 11-11-2024 at 07:21 AM.

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