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Thread: Designated Smoking Areas

  1. #1

    Designated Smoking Areas

    Every wristband has "Smoking allowed in designated areas ONLY"
    So, where are these designated areas, and how are they identified?
    What action does EAA take against an offender, if any?
    I'm not a smoker. Just asking so I understand where I can direct a
    smoker/vaper to a properly designated area when I challenge them.

  2. #2
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Alas, they are not at all well marked. The noted ones are between the exhibit buildings where the ashtrays are installed.

    Conflicting information indicates whether smoking in the corralled seating areas of some of the food venues is permitted or not.

    I see that rather than having any health concern, you just hate smokers since you want to harrass vapers as well as those polluting the air with carcinogenic smoke or flammable materials around aircraft.

  3. #3
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    I’m a non smoker and detest secondhand smoke or vape. If you’re gonna generate smoke it better be BBQ!! Given the number of aircraft, kids, people congestion and other flammable materials such as banners I think the whole event should be smoke free. If you want to smoke or vape go back to your car, camp site, or outside the fence if you are an aircraft camper.
    Dave Shaw
    EAA 67180 Lifetime
    Learn to Build, Build to Fly, Fly for Fun

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
    Alas, they are not at all well marked. The noted ones are between the exhibit buildings where the ashtrays are installed.

    Conflicting information indicates whether smoking in the corralled seating areas of some of the food venues is permitted or not.

    I see that rather than having any health concern, you just hate smokers since you want to harrass vapers as well as those polluting the air with carcinogenic smoke or flammable materials around aircraft.
    Ron- Nobody hates smokers. I blame the Cigarette manufactures and the government for where we are today with Cigarettes. The simple truth is Cigarettes kill people. Plain and simple. Exposure to both 1st, 2nd and 3rd Hand Smoke is deadly. There’s no getting around that. Cigarette Smoke is Radioactive. You read that right. It’s actually Radioactive. Polonium 210 is in Cigarette Smoke. So every time someone lights up they and those around them are being exposed to Radiation. Not to mention Hydrogen Cyanide, Benzene, Acetone, Formaldehyde and 6996 other known carcinogens.

    My Grandpa was a Flight Surgeon with the 8th Air Force in WW2. His take on Cigarettes was they killed more troops than combat- just not as quickly. He tried to get the 8th Air Force to stop issuing them in Airman’s Rations. He knew the consequences even at that time. After the war he pioneered some of the earliest studies and ground breaking research on Heart Disease. He was looking to stop it altogether. He said if people didn’t smoke there wouldn’t be much need for his research. Smoking kills Moms and Dads, Grandpa’s and Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles and even babies. On top of that Health Complications directly caused by smoking cost our economy 400 Billion Dollars a year. Lost productivity, otherwise totally unnecessary health care like treatments and procedures for lung cancer, other cancers, emphysema, amputations, COPD and Heart Disease Cost not just our economy but families as well. No one should ever find out that they are going to die because they bought a product, used it and now they or their family members have a terminal disease as a direct result.

    Ive talked on this forum many times about Cigarettes/Vape at the show. I don’t want to be exposed it. I don’t want my family exposed to it. Period. I don’t want anyone smoking any where in the same zip code as my Aircraft. At this point it’s just common sense that anyone who wishes to smoke or vape do so not at the Airshow. If you personally smoke Ron, I urge you to do everything you can to quit. It’s not too late and there’s resources out there to help. The problem with Cigarettes is they’re more addictive than heroin. The Cigarette Manufactures do that on purpose. So it’s not the smokers fault. They probably got hooked on it as a kid. The Cigarette manufactures should be in jail for this. It’s pretty much that simple.
    Last edited by Mark17; 08-14-2019 at 08:51 AM.

  5. #5
    DaleB's Avatar
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    As a former smoker, I too hate second-hand smoke, probably more than most That said... the degree of chicken-little panic in which some people like to indulge is somewhere between amazing and amusing. If you're outdoors, the amount of smoke you may be subject to experiencing is so small as to be totally negligible. You'll probably have more risk from harmful bacteria in an hour than harmful smoke in a day. If you're directly downwind of someone with a cigarette, either of you taking one or two steps can fix that quickly and easily. And it may shock people to learn that smokers are actually aware of the fact that they are holding a lit cigarette, and very nearly all of them are thus careful about not setting things on fire. It's kind of a self preservation thing you learn early on.

    The percentage of smokers in the general population has shrunk dramatically in the past few decades. From well over 40% in the 1960s, to 25% in '97 (just after I quit), to about 15% now, maybe less... smokers are a dying breed, if you'll pardon the expression.
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  6. #6
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    Lucky me, I quit smoking 5 years ago. But I smoked at Oshkosh for many, many years before I quit. I made sure over time that I knew where every single designated spot was from Warbirds to Ultralights, from the main entrance to the flightline. You'll find most of them on the show map handed out when you register, others you'll find by just walking around and talking to smokers in the designated spots. They are easily identifiable, white plastic containers with the words "BUTT CAN" written in red.

    Ronald, don't challenge a smoker in a non-designated area, they'll just tell you to go do something real nasty to yourself. Instead, just say you'd appreciate them smoking in the designated areas only as a courtesy to the majority of non-smokers in attendance and thank them for doing so. No fuss, no muss, no unwanted altercations.
    Last edited by Sam Oleson; 08-14-2019 at 12:10 PM.

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
    Ronald, don't challenge a smoker in a non-designated area, they'll just tell you to go do something real nasty to yourself. Instead, just say you'd appreciate them smoking in the designated areas only as a courtesy to the majority of non-smokers in attendance and thank them for doing so. No fuss, no muss, no unwanted altercations. If they comply, great, if they don't, you still have your ass undamaged.
    And the more you "dig in", the more they will too.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by DaleB View Post
    The degree of chicken-little panic in which some people like to indulge is somewhere between amazing and amusing. And it may shock people to learn that smokers are actually aware of the fact that they are holding a lit cigarette.
    As soon as one person feels free to smoke away from designated areas others will follow suit.
    Case in point: I reminded two gentlemen this year that smoking (Cigars in this case) was not allowed on the flight line. Their response was "Well, so and so was just smoking a pipe." I say nip it in the butt before it becomes widespread, before that unseen vapor from an overfilled fuel tank venting into the hot sun becomes a disaster.
    As for smokers being careful.....Not the lady I witnessed lighting up while using a propane exchange locker as a windbreak.
    Maybe the tram conductors could make an occasional public service announcement (between their jokes) reminding people.

  9. #9

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    Stanford did the study on outdoor second hand smoke exposure. What Dale’s saying about outdoor exposure is just not true. Exposure is dangerous on any level. IE -Polonium 210. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Radiation exposure is bad. Not to mention Benzene, Hydrogen Cyanide and Acetone. Get real Dale. Go check out the science and data on it. I shouldn’t have to pay 174 dollars for one days worth of admission to the Airshow for my family just to have the pleasure of walking through clouds of carcinogens and Radiation. Thanks though.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark17 View Post
    Stanford did the study on outdoor second hand smoke exposure. What Dale’s saying about outdoor exposure is just not true. Exposure is dangerous on any level. IE -Polonium 210. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Radiation exposure is bad. Not to mention Benzene, Hydrogen Cyanide and Acetone. Get real Dale. Go check out the science and data on it. I shouldn’t have to pay 174 dollars for one days worth of admission to the Airshow for my family just to have the pleasure of walking through clouds of carcinogens and Radiation. Thanks though.
    The most dangerous part of Airventure is getting there. Driving or flying - both are dangerous. Second hand smoke in an outdoor setting? Negligible risk.

    Have you considered the skin cancer risks due to sun exposure?

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