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Thread: Smallest tractor taildragger autogyro

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Romont Switzerland

    Smallest tractor taildragger autogyro

    Good day

    how could an tractor taildragger autogyro look a like, a single seater that fits a 20’ freight container?

    rgds Erkki

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    NW FL
    Quote Originally Posted by erkki67 View Post
    Good day

    how could an tractor taildragger autogyro look a like, a single seater that fits a 20’ freight container?

    rgds Erkki
    Here is one that comes close. . It would fit a 20 foot container if you: (A) removed the rotor. or: (B) left the doors open at one end and built a roof and another door (to make the container four feet longer) Also, this aircraft is 8.5 feet tall, requiring one to remove the wheels and devise a cart or trolley to move it in and out. Alternate method: find a way to lean the rotor mast to the rear so it would fit.

    Good luck. Bob

  3. #3

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    Jul 2011
    NW FL
    I just looked at the web site again. On the menu listing Builders photos, look at Toru Ito's aircraft. VW engine. He built an enclosed trailer that fits the aircraft with only one rotor blade removed.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Hills District, Sydney, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Dingley View Post
    this aircraft is 8.5 feet tall
    Hi Erkki,

    There are also overheight containers, most common when I was at sea was 9'6" high external, don't know what that translates to internally. I do remember some taller ones but I didn't come across them too often.


  5. #5

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    Actually I had a design in my mind that comes close to one of those two gyros flown 60 years ago.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Romont Switzerland
    A bent Monotube design with an engine up in front, a similar weightshift control a fix horizontal stab with two fins and rudder.

  7. #7
    I’m planning a tractor gyro using an Affordaplane airframe. I have a Brock KB2 and I’ll incorporate the Brock frame and mast into the A-plane frame so the mast takes the place of the “front windshield” of the A-plane frame. I’ll triangulate/ brace the mast off the crossmember for the landing gear for the Brock frame. I have a Rotax 582 to power it. It will likely have foot pegs outside the cockpit similar to an AirBike and it will have no fabric cover like the ultralight Little Wing Autogyro.

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  8. #8
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    John Van Voorhee's "Pit Bull" sounds like a pretty good match.
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    Too bad it's been off the market for 25 or so years.....

    Ron Wanttaja

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