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Thread: EAA Virtual Flight Academy Support FAQs

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    EAA Virtual Flight Academy Support FAQs

    Thank you for your interest in EAA Virtual Flight Academy! Please use this thread to post your questions. Our partner in developing this new benefit is TakeFlight Interactive. They will provide second tier support for EAA members. These forums are your first tier of support. We'll do our best to monitor questions and post responses.

    Can I use a different version of Microsoft Flight Simulator X? It may work, but only Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition is supported.
    What hardware can I use? Please see the list from FSX Insider. Redbird offers members $50-500 off flight controls, and we're working with others to add discounts.
    Can I change the aircraft or airport? While it is possible to change the configuration file, we do not recommend it. FSX supports such modifications, but they will not be viewable when the EAA Virtual Flight Academy is operating.
    Last edited by Cory Puuri; 08-06-2019 at 02:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Hello everyone, Brandon Seltz of TakeFlight Interactive here. I'll be monitoring this forum as well. This is a highly technical release, we're sure to learn a few things! Thanks in advance for your patience and assistance in making this forum as helpful as possible.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    I am enjoying getting started with EAA VFA but I have an annoyance with my new Thrustmaster Stick X. I need to almost constantly hold left aileron. I can trim for pitch but I can't seem to get the aileron trimmed neutral.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kc2gms View Post
    I am enjoying getting started with EAA VFA but I have an annoyance with my new Thrustmaster Stick X. I need to almost constantly hold left aileron. I can trim for pitch but I can't seem to get the aileron trimmed neutral.
    I have had this problem. What I had to do was center my stick and make sure everything is centered. Unplug my stick from the computer and then plug it back in. For some reason it lost its center position. I am not sure if this will help but it worked for me. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Hi all,

    Sorry for the delayed response. I thought I had this thread set to notify me of any activity.

    It sounds as if you need to calibrate your flight controls. This generally needs to be done with a new controller, or when switching controllers. There is a small blurb in the EAA VFA Getting Started Guide, but I'll expand on that here:

    To calibrate your flight controls:

    1. Open FSX without EAA VFA running, select Free Flight, then start a flight (any aircraft, location and weather will do)
    2. When the flight loads, from the top menu select Options > Settings > Controls
    Name:  FSX Options Menu.jpg
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    3. At the top-right of that window, select Calibrate:
    Name:  FSX Options Calibration.jpg
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    4. In the new Game Controllers window that opens, select your controller then select Properties:
    Name:  Calibrate-Properties.jpg
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    5. That'll open a new window where you'll likely see that your controller is a little off center.
    6. Select the top-left tab Settings, then select Calibrate
    Name:  Calibrate-Settings.jpg
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    7. Follow the Calibration Wizard instructions to calibrate your controller.
    8. When complete, you should see your controller is centered. Select Ok several times to get back to flying.
    9. If your aircraft still has unwanted control inputs, you may need to increase the Null Zone for the offending axis.
    Name:  FSX Options Controls.jpg
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    I hope that's helpful! Please let me know if you need further assistance.

    Last edited by Brandon Seltz; 11-28-2018 at 01:44 PM.

  6. #6

    I’m loving the flight academy and recently bought the second module. I was wondering if you considering developing a virtual practice area to work on skills without being limited so a set set of events such as happens in the classes. For example my real world instructor said I should practice practicing turns while climbing and descending.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by markcrist View Post

    I’m loving the flight academy and recently bought the second module. I was wondering if you considering developing a virtual practice area to work on skills without being limited so a set set of events such as happens in the classes. For example my real world instructor said I should practice practicing turns while climbing and descending.
    Glad to hear it Mark!

    A virtual practice area is a great idea. Having a simple free flight that sets you up at altitude would be an easy addition. We'll add that in our next round of updates. I'll reply here when complete.

    Thanks for the feedback.

  8. #8
    Hi Brandon,

    I'm new to the site, and used the search button, but couldn't find an answer. Love the flight sim, and can't wait to try it. I'm in the process of setting up a sim for my 2 son's who will be using the new Honeycomb Yoke once it arrives. They are saving their money to buy a set of Rudder pedals, however since that's still a little ways out I was planning on using a keyboard, and Air Manager on a second system. Does the Sim work with Air Manager? Thx

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Lil Skippy View Post
    Hi Brandon,

    I'm new to the site, and used the search button, but couldn't find an answer. Love the flight sim, and can't wait to try it. I'm in the process of setting up a sim for my 2 son's who will be using the new Honeycomb Yoke once it arrives. They are saving their money to buy a set of Rudder pedals, however since that's still a little ways out I was planning on using a keyboard, and Air Manager on a second system. Does the Sim work with Air Manager? Thx
    Hi there! So sorry for the tardy reply. I thought I had the forum set to send me email when there are new posts here... I'll look into that again.

    The Honeycomb yoke is fantastic, best bang for the buck out there. We have not tested VFA with Air Manager, but in my brief research on the product, it appears that it would be perfectly compatible.

    I hope this is helpful!

  10. #10

    VFA Licensing Error

    Hi all,

    We have seen several reports of users getting the below message when logging into Virtual Flight Academy.

    Name:  VFA-NoValidLicense.PNG
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    There was an bug in the automated licensing system which has now been fixed. If this happens to you, please email us at and we can manually license your account.

    Thank you!


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