Quote Originally Posted by sonex293 View Post
Howard, How did the forum go? Due to weather, I left on Wednesday around 2pm.....just after the big rain showers ended. I feel I missed so much of the show. Oh well.

Michael Crowder
Sonex N293SX
The bad news is that only about a dozen people showed up. The good news is that most of them were pretty interested and asked good questions. The best news is that Jack Norris attended and (finally) said that it was good work and that he didn't get it at first. Jack is a friend, but this was extra. If anyone wants to review the presentation in its delivered form or the updated predictions, they are on the web at http://home.cogeco.ca/~n17hh/Models/GFC/ . Also, I'm available to do 1:1 over the phone for anyone who wants to.