I remember his video. This is it in motion over the Hudson, and Lady Liberty.
Incredible pics, and video!

Quote Originally Posted by Jim Heffelfinger View Post
I was scheduled to watch it but didn't get home from work early enough for a live webinar. - So I watched it today over a late breakfast. Really interesting. A few points though - she has 4000 hours under 2 cycle engines over 25 years and longest single trip Sun N Fun flight of 7500 miles.
She has a few great things going for her. First - time. She is able to have blocks of time to fly these long distances in a slow plane. She is small and light - just over 100 # allows her to carry plenty of "stuff" and not push the gross weight.
Walt Snyder's even more impressive multiple flights cross country ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5EpKHcYvuQ ) shows what small planes are capable of with time and attention. Sadly Walt is a bit reluctant to do public speaking about his trips. Arty is an excellent spokesperson and we are glad she has put together this webinar.