Here's a Building Log in Progress...
It's between a Buttercup and Tailwind.
Both are Steve Wittman designs.
Gotta Fly...
Mike & Jaz the Flying Dogz
Here's a Building Log in Progress...
It's between a Buttercup and Tailwind.
Both are Steve Wittman designs.
Gotta Fly...
Mike & Jaz the Flying Dogz
Last edited by planecrazzzy; 11-02-2019 at 12:32 PM.
Looking good, fun to see the progress, but are these two-year-old photos or you need to set the date on your camera? ;-)
Matthew Long, Editor
A site for builders, owners and fans of Eric Clutton's FRED
and other safe, simple, affordable homebuilt aircraft
I am Groot...
Last edited by planecrazzzy; 12-03-2014 at 05:29 PM.
Some of the latest progress...
When building a house comes first...
Hobbies take a back seat...
This is my second plane , I'm NOT loosing interest...Life Happens
why doesn't the attachment management work now ???? I think this happened before... . Gotta Fly... Here's the dam picture... But you gotta open it...
Cleaned up the Over spray and Aluminum angles, Used Red loctite and lock washers Rear Windows are in to stay. Gotta Fly...
. Ah... Radio Check... Is this thing ON ? . Hmmm...Transmit on one and Receive on the OTHER ???? Kind of like trying to post a picture like I was a few posts ago.... I'll try again... Just finished the Tail Wheel and Dampener... and Safety wired. Oooops... Their still in the camera... OK Test picture... The manage attachments below is broken
Last edited by Glory Aulik; 02-27-2017 at 08:36 AM.
Thanks for the photos. I'm certainly an admirer of Wittman's approach to designs (i.e. lightweight and simple). What engine will you be using?