We've talked about our OSHKOSH Bucket Lists before, but what about our Aviation Bucket Lists?
I'd love to hear yours - here are a few of my dream items to get us started (in no particular order). Some are very achievable...others might be a little ridiculous:
1. Learn to Fly (Check! Done!)
2. Learn to Fly Tailwheels (Check! Done!)
3. Fly in an Open Cockpit Biplane
4. Build an Airplane
5. Own an Aircraft
6. Go to OSH (Check! Done!)
7. Fly in a Military Jet (I'm looking at you Blue Angels/Thunderbirds/U2)
8. Get my Seaplane Rating
9. Fly in a Hot Air Balloon (Check! Done!)
10. Try Powered Parachuting
11. Fly in an ultralight (or a Light Sport 2 Seat Version of one).
12. Fly a LONG cross country in something slow (Cub from East to West Coast ala "Flight of Passage" Style?)
13. Fly in an air race.
14. Go Bush Flying in Alaska
15. Set an Aviation Record
16. Go Skydiving (Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane?)
17. IFR Rating
18. Commercial Rating
19. CFI Rating
20. Two Words: Virgin Galactic
21. Learn to Fly Gliders
22. Learn to Fly Helicopters
23. Fly in a Dog Fight (Check! Done! I puked: http://youtu.be/1r7upDbnmH4 )
24. Fly to the Bahamas
25. Fly a Young Eagle (Fly a TON of them!)
26. Fly an Eagle (Fly a TON of them too!)
27. Ski Flying!
28. Become an EarthRounder
29. Fly a WWII Warbird
30. See if I really could land a 747 in an emergency (In a simulator, calm down!)
31. Land a Piper Cub on top of a truck.
So what would you add to "The List"?